On-line calendar
The search to put everything on-line off a PC continues. Whilst the CalendarHub has a wicked interface and is very easy to use the RSS feeds just don't work. And so I've come along to RSSCalendar.com which does just what it says. It's an old system without much work happening on it for a while which leads me to think that it might just dissappear one day ... so the quest continues. Oh, I've found nowhere to store the files as openomy is still too young and 'in development' for my liking. So, the score: USING: Desktop: Google Personalised | Netvibes (great interface) | My Yahoo! USING: A pen (word processing): Writely USING: An in-tray (email): Gmail USING: Bookmarks: del.icio.us TRYING: spreadsheet: Num Sum TOO MUCH TO UPLOAD: A photo album: Flickr A briefcase (to store files): ???? TRYING: An organiser (to do, etc): Backpack DIPPING TOE IN WATER: Calendar: RSSCalendar.com USING: A newspaper: loads ...