
Showing posts from April, 2023

Me, But When and Where?

If anyone recalls taking this photo then please let me know where we were, and when. I look like I'm in my 30s, maybe. Oh, and it was sent to me via Signal in Feb 2021 (according to the filename).

The Energy Of Being A Woman

It's a man's world. This has been patently obvious to women for centuries. But in the past decade it's becoming more transparent to some men too, as more people call it and more of us notice. Take the recent attack on NZ women by, weirdly, a woman who flew here to yell at women whilst being supported by fascists. This allowed even more Kiwis to see what it is to be a woman and the absolute shit they have to put up with. However, the rise in modern rightwing tendencies are akin to turd surfers riding in on the effluent wave of ancient and ongoing behaviour that women have to endure day in day out, year upon year, century after century. I'm a white, 56 year-old man. So why I should I care, it's a mans world after all, a white man's world at that. This might be controversial but I actually like women. I know, strange eh. I love some, I like most, and a few I'd rather never see again, but that's not because they are women but rather they are arseholes. A whi

Hats Akimbo

Hats, hats, and more hats. I bought a hat.

Peaceful Inlet

As they took Tana off for a walk I stopped for a rest and the peace of the surrounds enveloped me, was such a gorgeous moment.

Me And Carter USM

The first three albums from Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine are up there with the finest I've ever listened to, and I still play them these days. The second album, 30 Something , had it's album cover on t-shirts all over the country. Time passed and Les (Fruitbat) released a 40 Something  set of merch and then the 50 Something versions. I loved it!


When it works it's amazing eh, clever wee phone camera. This was taken off the deck in Breaker bay, Wellington.

Geysers In Wellington

As the waves hit the Lyall Bay breakwall it shoots under and then up and out the holes on top like a geyser.

Lyall Bay Surfing

It was a hot summer night and the beach was burning which meant the bay was chock full of people on their boards.

14 Commons Traits Of Fascism

This list is by Umberto Eco as outlined in his 1995 essay Ur-Fascism via the Open Culture website  - read and ponder the list, sure, but then go read the original essay. 1: The cult of tradition “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.” 2: The rejection of modernism “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.” 3: The cult of action for action’s sake  “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.” 4: Disagreement is treason “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.” 5: Fear of difference “The first appeal of a fascist or prem

Wellington's Public Telechron

At the junction of Courtenay Place, Taranaki Street, Manners Street, and Dixon Street, and near the (very) old toilets now the fine Lucky takeaway is a large clock. It's a clock that has been there for ages, keeping and displaying it's time for the day workers and the nighttime party people. Was only recently that I actually looked up at and I saw the word, "Telechron", you can see it there yourself in all its scrawly oldy-worldy gloriousness. Not just a clock then, a "Telechron", and a Telechron straight from the Warren Telechron Co. Mass ... which I instantly used my brain and knew meant Massachusetts. What the fuck is a Telechron? Off we go Wikipedia: Telechron Telechron is the name of a U.S. company that manufactured electric clocks between 1912 and 1992. Oooh, electric, and on we learn ... Founded by Henry Ellis Warren, Telechron introduced the synchronous electric clock, which keeps time by the oscillations of the alternating current electricity that p

Tall Sign

The post seems very tall for the sign.

A Putangirua Pinnacle

The Pinnacles (South Wairarapa) are quite something to see. I walked up one hot summers day in January 2020 and am very glad I did. When you check out the full photo album you may think, "Hmmm, familiar", maybe this will help ...

"Nearly there, not long now ..."

And off they go on the Bluebridge , from Wellington to Picton. Bloody stunning day (13th Jan, 2021) to be doing the ferry trip may I just point out. Wanna see if departing earlier in the day, sure, here ya go:


Pohutukawa or Rata? I'm a bit foggy on which is which, anyone help? Or I could just Google Lens it I s'pose.

Sunset Over The Ocean

A glorious sunset, that's all I have to say. (no, not the Cook Islands, this is from Moa Point in Wellington)

Little Rockpool Man

Little rockpool man shape up close and far away. These two photos really make me smile we and I have absolutely no idea why, LOL.

Rare Moa Sighting

As you may know the Moa bird was all over Aotearoa back in the day but it was hunted to commonly believed extinction. Nowadays it's extremely rare to see one. Standing around 3.6 metres tall they would be quite the sight especially out in the open as this photo shows.

When Your Favourite Shoe Shop Opens In Town

A very very happy daughter enters Dr. Martens to make a purchase that will have her soul(s) bouncing on air.

Ruins Of Rivendell

Yes, Rivendell is an actual place , well one or two bits of the movie sets have been left for all to wander around. It's a lovely wee place, more famous for Wellingtonians as the Kaitoke Park with the very popular summer swimming holes.

Lighthouse Stop

A peaceful low tide view of the Pencarrow  lighthouse to the left as a car brakes along Breaker Bay Road.

A Selfie Walk Into Town

Come follow me as I take walking selfies from Breaker Bay around Moa Point and all the way into Wellington city for a refreshing beer with a mate at Rogue & Vagabond. I also ended up with a red bonce, did I slip slop slap , course not, stupid man I am.

Festive Gollum

Behatted yuletide Gollum at The Roxy Cinema . (gives a clue as to where I'm at with my daily photos eh, the year is 2020)

Tiny Man Or Massive Flower

Huge flower stands over a tiny man, probably 😁


There's nothing I can say. When someone you know, have followed, briefly met, and admired from afar loses someone to suicide it's beyond words. Pain. I can know nothing of his pain, of his partners pain, of his whanau's pain. I am aware that they're not alone, this all I can hope for for them, and peace. In this land of Aotearoa New Zealand it is all too common to know someone that has committed suicide. I have been to three funerals of people that committed suicide, I have know of four others that committed suicide, and I know of many others that have told me someone they knew committee suicide. I have no idea why Aotearoa New Zealand has so many young people committing suicide. Does anyone? My heart goes out to you all.

And The Oscar Goes To ....

I can't remember who's Oscar this is however, as it's in The Roxy Cinema , I'm gonna plump for Jamie Selkirk and his work on Lord Of The Rings . Shiny, isn't it.

A Glass Of Colours

Nothing more than an empty glass reflecting the lights of the bar, cure though eh.

Rotorua Space Sign

You know when you're over Rotorua, maybe in the ISS, as they've planted a bloody great big sign in the lake near the golf course, genius.

The Lights At The End Of The Tunnel

The southern end airport runway extension at Wellington has the Moa Point Road car / passenger tunnel running underneath.

Clown, What Clown!

The wee fella in the pram does not give a flying shit there is a clown stood next to him, he's got his toy thank you very much 😂

1950s SciFi Backlot

It's movie town here in Wellington and this is plays into it beautifully. Sort of 😁

3D Flower

I have been staring at this for bloody ages, it's sucked me in with its 3Dishness, love it.

Relive The First Time You Heard That Rock Song

 Oh wow, Elizabeth Zharoff is amazing. If you want to relive the first time you heard your favourite rock songs then this is the channel for you. Not only does she explain what's going on with the singers but, as these are her first listens, her joy and amazement is so addictive Example, Led Zeppelin, she is having such fun you can't but smile along. (and she ❤️ Dio)

Upstairs Warm-up

When all the courts are in use then the warm-up session needs to go upstairs to the Ākau Tangi Sports Centre mezzanine.

Amazing Rainbow

I knew I was getting closer to this rainbow with my daily photos and couldn't wait. This rainbow blew my mind, it was everything you want from a rainbow , everything.

Wellington Party Zone

Courtenay Place, a tired party zone of Wellington ... but then again it's not there for me.