
Showing posts from October, 2015

[UPDATED] YES! Let's Have A Beer With Anika Moa

DONE! Anika is coming to Goldings Free Dive Anika Moa (my not-so-SGF ) is crowd-funding her second Songs For Bubbas CD  on the most wonderful PledgeMe platform ... and I want 10 of us to go for this reward: $600 - LET'S HAVE BEERSIES! Songs For Bubbas 1 and 2 + album credit + baby onesie + beers. You're INTENSE! Thank you, kind, lovely, gorgeous human. You are so good looking and kind. Did I mention you were kind? Get a group of friends together and let's have a beer somewhere ON ME! (I'm poor so it has to be Lion Red) for one afternoon or night only and it would be good if you lived in Auckland too but if you don't, you will have to arrange flights/accom/etc Please live in Rarotonga? You will receive the first popular album with all the bubba hits and the second album before anyone else hears it plus a gorgeous little cutie wootie onesie for your wee one and a custom designed tea towel. I will send a kiss into the air for you and then write your name in the