
Showing posts from January, 2005

Top brand listing

Yep, back at work and really into it (already sent through 3 application requirements :-). And so, in a ten second break I read the frontpage of My Yahoo! and this caught my eye - Yahoo! News - Apple Edges Google as Top Brand . And so, the work year of 2005 starts in earnest ... bum, it's just so nice out there with the sun shinning and the wind not blowing . Of course I had a cracking lead up to it and spent Friday-Sunday in Riversdale having, what could (should) become an annual event, a "Lads Weekend". Lots of beer / wine was drunk, loads of BBQ food was eaten and not one person got to see the sun come up ... no, I lie, Rob was woken up because, for the first night, he slept outside! No doubt there will be pictures put up once Adam gets the piccies off his camera and send them all around. Back yesterday afternoon and it was cracking to hug the wee fella and kiss the wee gal ... did miss them a little on Saturday morning :-( And so .... work ... ah well, it's al

Wot a night!

As some of you know Liz and Jack are in Christchurch catching up with the rellies allowing me to plan the perfect evening - I got to have a few drinks with my mates after work (3:30pm start!), get takeaway food, grab a set of action/FX DVD's that aren't usually welcome in the house and stay up as long as I want. So I did. Started off with a few beers with Dawn at the new Loaded Hog (old Greta Point now open near Shed 5 on the waterfront). Now, let me have an aside here and ask, has anyone had a good experience in this place? It certainly has one of, if not the , best harbour viewing balconies in the city ... BUT they are just crap at service! The food (from other people's accounts) is awful (ie, "sent back and demand to see the manager" level of bad), the staff (there seem to be a lot of them) don't know how to serve (young & inexperienced - training?!), the beer is just blaaah. From talking to others it's getting a really bad name for itself. Bu

Ok, last for today - but what a story!

I have to say that if Jonah comes back (ie, plays as an All Black), and Hart says Lomu can be as good as ever , then I will take my hat off to him and pay $1,000 to the NZ Kidney Fondation - the least I can do. Who want's to join me? And, Goldie will be in the team: Jeff said he had finished playing rugby and that there was only one game he'd play, to help Jonah," Hart said. What a game (June 4th - Twickenham, London) the Martin Johnston Testimonial should be!

And it's Australia Day!

Mate just called from beautiful, blue and hot Sydney to wish me a, "" Happee Austraya Day ". And the same to all of you !

How did I miss this "man/goat/sex" story?

I just love that there are such " characters " out there - twice!?!? But, keep it safe man, it has to be consensual from both parties! And to keep going in the same glorious taste, how about renting a Midget for your next birthday bash? Thanks to house_monkey for the links.

Small but very powerful

I love the fact that this sculptor dude (Gunter Demnig) is remembering those persecuted by National Socialism – with 3,000 commemorative paving stones in front of buildings all over Germany - not one big thing that you have to go to it, but lots of little things that are everywhere. Cool. BUT, how will it be in 100 years time, in ya face like that? Who knows.

Google Video Search

Wow .. the Google Video Search is pretty darned cool. I typed in " rugby " and it show who mentiond it and when in the program. Also got a hit for " Miramar ", " New Zealand " and, of course, " King Kong " Nothing for " riversdale " or " monmouth " :-(

Radio in Wellington and two great mobile phone products

Already mentioned the most excellent Active FM but I'd also like to point people to the very fine Groove 107.7 FM - unfortunately I can't find a link for it, but just tune ya radio. Groove is one of those LPFM (Low Power FM) radio stations that service a very small radius - in this case Wellington CBD (think it used to be called Island Bay Radio) - which I reckon is a cracking idea. Listening to Active this morning they mentioned the following two products that I WANT! Shazam Find the name of that tune currently playing by using your mobile Scan Barcode scanner linked to your mobile to find the cheapest version of the product in your hand, all explained at the BBC

Wellington from a Jaffa

Hee hee, love 'em You can wake up during an earthquake and think that it's just the wind that's shaking your house You can say "Wellington is full of ferries" and not be considered homophobic You can recognise half the city's population when walking down the street You can afford a $1000 suit but still flat in a house that requires 3 sets of clothing and two dehumidifiers to stay warm You see someone travelling 100kph on the motorway and you complain how fast people travel these days You walk from the Railway Station to Willis Street without ever checking for traffic "Just turn left at the first StarMart, walk down the street till you get to the third StarMart, turn right, go 3 StarMarts up and you're there" Seeing the Brooklyn Wind Turbine not turning is a newsworthy event It takes you 20 minutes to drive around the block in peak traffic due to the 'one way system' Boarding a Stagecoach bus is a hazardous activity You take a bodyguard do

Digitial photo's - the world's ya oyster with them

Yep, I snap away filing the old camera up at twice a week leaving Jack with a day-by-day (almost) account of his life to look back on and be bored by. But, it's not just a case of anally filing them away and then scooting through them with Picasa when you have guests OR, in moments of wild reckless abandonment, putting as few selected snaps here. Oh no, I popped over to Ofoto (seamlessly from Picasa via Hello ) to see how easy it would be to get some prints and the answer is, extremely easy! I can have posters, calendars, mugs, aprons, T-shirts ... and loads more, all with a picture of my choice. Love this digital world.

Teddy Bear's Picnic in the Dell

We had a grand old time at the Teddy Bear's Picnic this afternoon with our friends Jude, Philip & Josh and Karen and Dave (of whom I have a great piccie wearing Liz's hat - I will post it unless Dave pays me money, ha ha ha) . Dave, Karen and Jack having a sing-song - Jack and Dad have a hat moment Jack and Mum singing along as Karen enjoys the top class entertainment Philip, Jude and Dave as Josh hides away from the paparazi We had a walk back via the Duck Pond - those ducks had eaten a loaf of bread each as all the other parents had done the same, poor things Jack looks on at the extremely well fed ducks (there was bread in loaves just floating around) Jack throws one more piece of bread to the ducks Jack walking back to the car via the Botanicals

A few of an 'evening Jack'

Here's a few of the wee fella after he's had his dinner: Jack laughing as he plays a game with Mum Jack watches Mum ... Jack looks into the Postmans letter from an amazing set of " Jolly Postman " books Uncle Rob bought him for Christmas. Jack spots something on TV ... probably a crocodile TV watching Jack Now isn't that the cutest face you've ever seen ... "Yes", is the only answer acceptable

Heard someone raving about this on National Radio

Anyone bought the book or used New Zealand Holiday Homes (Baches & Holiday Homes Guide Book and Online Listings) ?

Well - the links you stumble across

Followed some 'referers'. I've still no idea what it's actually recording and how some sites get into the list; I treat it like my "random link to people out there" list. Anywho, a few clicks and I was here, at I, Ron Jeremy blog. Golly.

Felt that earthquake big time

Yep, the 'swarm' (it's an official term) continues and this one was very strong, which isn't surprising considering it was near Upper Hutt. Check the report - Jan 21 2005 at 7:56 am (NZDT) .

Finally, the best of the email crap the people clog ya InBox with

So, don't bother sending that "hilarious" email you just think we all need - I've probably already seen it here at 'Bore Me' - the best of your inbox

Greytown - ahh, the summer sun

Mike and Jack in the Greytown pool - aah, summer sun Emma and Amanda in Greytown going through yet another 'crocodile' session with Jack Mike and Jack chill at the end of the night watching animals on TV Amanda chases Jack around - what a huge grin on both their faces Jack and his new friends the hen with 10 chicks Jack prepares to catch fish (he never did) in Greytown

Christmas and general holiday pictures

Jack creeps up on Liz first day of the new Loaded Hog The girls with Jack having a grand old time Jack at Scorching Bay Char and Zoe play with Jack on the not so summer-y Miramar deck Jack in the sea at Scorching Bay. Does he love it? Maybe not in this picture but he's preety keen on it now.

Oxford 2 Oxford

Just heard these two on National Radio as I came home. They're driving (or very nearly finished driving) a Morris Oxford from Oxford 2 Oxford (that's the UK one to the Canterbury, NZ one). Seemed nice people (and I mean that in a very 'middle of the road', middle-class, university education and terribly 'British') sort of way - i.e., not something I'd like someone to say to me. But, all in a good cause - so give 'em ya money if you're so inclined.

Radio Active 89FM

Gotta love Radio Active 89FM here in Wellington (or via the world wide wobbly). I listen to it as I come to work and it never ceases to, at least once in my 30min-ish trip, make me smile, make me tap my feet (the music ranges from DH/clubbing to bizarre CM) and make me think, "Hmm, good point/interesting" - all with an attitude of let's have a laff but not be patronising and childish about it all (think More FM and 91ZM !). Oh, and if you're missing the "What's On In Wellington" email then listen here as it has all the gigs going from today until the future. Finally, I totally rate the morning DJ dude (who's name evades me) ... Liam, that's it. Good work fella. AND, it's the final (for ever?? hope not) Whopper Chopper down at Island Bay this Saturday, 12pm-8pm . - goes head-to-head with the X*Air malarkey on the waterfront. Telecom pulled their sponsorship at the final moment! What unhelpful bastard made that decision - anyone gotta name

We've all got a view on Americans - here's mine

Well, would you believe that this has to occur ... Judge Rejects School Board Evolution Stand ... well, I s'pose only in America . Liz was telling me that the state Dubbya used to be senator for (or whatever they have up there - Texas wasn't it?) has taken a massive step backwards ... oh, after that doco last week on TV One, " Texas Teenage Virgins ". He brought in a rule that totally controls (limits in my view) sex education in schools , evolution is merely a theory - what next, the world is flat , women are 2nd class citizens , beating up children in the name of God is just find and dandy? What a way to control people - and it seems they sold the idea to an awful lot of "fellow Americans" ... God bless America ! My theory is that the Bushes (and fellow bastards that hang around them ) have seen how successful fundamentalist Islamic priests has been at controlling the populace (and this article on David Icke's site is around a lot) (gettin

Latest New Zealand Earthquake Report - Jan 18 2005 at 9:36 pm (NZDT)

Ooh, another one - earthquake report - Jan 18 2005 at 9:36 pm (NZDT)

An interesting comment from Jacob Nielsen

He being the self-styled Usability Guru. At his latest column, " Durability of Usability Guidelines ", he makes the following interesting comment: However seductive the present might be, writing for the Web is writing for the ages, not just for the moment. (People who post stream-of-consciousness entries in their weblogs, for example, might want to consider that they're also writing for managers who might hire them in twenty years.) If you're reading this future boss - I hope you enjoyed the 2005 blog experience :-)

When's Don doing his next Orewa speech?

Anyone know when Don Brash is gonna do his 2005 Orewa speech - or did I miss it because the sun came out?

Why are rugby balls egg-shaped?

A question on the lips of every right-minded person - and the answer is ... to do with pig bladders - really! Oh, and if you don't know why a "try" is so called ... chcek out the " Rugby's Strangest Matches " book, a copy was in my pressie list this year and it's fascinating read.

Life Story, Chapter Four: London and Engagement

"My life history", by Michael Riversdale aged 37 and a bit (from the mikey_boyle Yahoo! Website, all those years ago) Anything that I may have said about anybody is totally my memory/impression - anyone wants me to change/delete it then I will without hesitation, simply leave a comment If you find any links that no longer work again, just leave a comment. < Chapter One: The Travelling Years < Chapter Two: The Monmouth School Days < Chapter Three: Swindon and How to Survive It Chapter Four: London and Engagement In 1992 I met my first true "partner in crime", Judith - well, in reality we were both setup by mutual friends. We met on the steps of the Tate at 3pm ( lovey, darling ) and to my horror , in we went. Got on fabulously but I thought that was probably it. Andy and I had tickets to see Pop Will Eat Itself in London - well, Andy kindly stepped down and I, after much rubbing of hands and sweating (remember that call Rob?), phoned Judit

The Spike Milligan Tribute Site

The man himself, Spike Milligan , a genius in my opinion.

Life Story, Chapter Three: Swindon and How to Survive It

"My life history", by Michael Riversdale aged 37 and a bit (from the mikey_boyle Yahoo! Website, all those years ago) Anything that I may have said about anybody is totally my memory/impression - anyone wants me to change/delete it then I will without hesitation, simply leave a comment. If you find any links that no longer work again, just leave a comment. < Chapter One: The Travelling Years < Chapter Two: The Monmouth School Days Chapter Three: Swindon and How to Survive It So, there I was, working at The Kings Head as a waiter and missing out on the Live Aid concert, when the call came from GlosCat (Gloucester College of Arts and Technology). "We hear you didn't do so well with your A Levels, how about coming to see us for an interview?" they said. So, off I trolled and I got a place on a 3 year Computing sandwich course. I moved into halls of residence with a schoolmate of mine, Taff , and spent the first year learning COBOL (firs

Super 12, Tri-Nations tired: Marshall

I have to say I've not been a big fan of Justin Marshall in the past but I rate him for what he says in this article . I agree with the "tiredness" of the Super 12 which I can only see getting 'worse' with the expanded version that is coming you to the same stadiums as always. As for the Tri-Nations - yep, every 2 years would have been good. It would have put the 'unknown' back into the games and probably added a lot more interest to the World Cup as well (not that it's all about the Southern Hemisphere anymore). Maybe the Six Nations could go every 2 years as well and then we'd free up the teams for some true tours. I would add to Marshall's comments of "look at the interest the Lions has generated" to how the Northern tour at the end of the All Blacks 2004 season was also keenly followed.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - The Adventure Game

As my brother can tell you, I don't really go in for computer games but this, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy , was always one that I would sit down and try and do ... never managed to get very far I must admit - maybe I will now.

Thinking of getting Saturn (or whatever it's called now)

Anyone got a view on the cost effectivness of Residential High Speed Internet (Cable) or the packages they offer (which has TV , phone rental , and Internet )? Currently we're Paradise ($20/month), Telecom and a crappy arial on top of the TV (naff reception). I s'pose the Telecom equivalent is Sky Digital via a dish, JetStream and their phone connections . Here's a handy little list of their ' At Home ' stuff. Anyone with any views on this - leave a comment, ta. Here's a little something I've cut-and-paste to help decide (those below aren't all the options - I've only taken the ones I'm interested in) - prices per month: TelstraClear Sourced from their website Dual Service: $ 59.95 Phone + Saturn TV Net Starter 250: $ 48.95 Phone + 250 Hours Paradise Dial Up Internet Triple Service 250: $ 76.95 Saturn TV + Phone + 250 Hours Paradise Dial Up Internet Triple Service HighSpeed 1G: $ 94.90 + $10.95 Saturn TV + Phone + Paradise High Speed 1G -

Back in Miramar and making plans for 2005

And one of the visits into town will be to see the Global Challenge 2004 yachts that are parked up on the waterfront. Gonna be trying to go to a few of the free City Festival stuff and not just the sutff for Jack but hopefully some growded up things as well. What else - oh, I s'pose putting the New Years Resolutions into action ... crickey.

Cool desktop

Amanda has her laptop here in Greytown and she's got a cool desktop/screensaver WorldView thingy from

A quick catch-up from Greytown

Still enjoying the sun and the pool here in Greytown . The girls have all gone for a days shopping spree so Jack and I have had the place to ourselves and we managed to squeeze in a big brekkie at Main Street Deli and even a pint (well, I did- he had a smoothie). Even booked a romatic meal for Liz and I, can't wait. Pictures coming soon - when we get home on Friday. I've just finished reading, " Secrets of the Code " (left all my books at home!) and it was interesting. A few links (and these are really for me to follow-up when I get back to Wellywood ... Have