
Showing posts from January, 2008

The Sevens hits town this weekend

[Updated] FooCamp (also known as Kiwi Foo and Baaa Camp) is hosting Kim Hill's Saturday morning National Radio show - so listen in and you'll definitely hear the "organised chaos" but maybe me. Listen live: AM/FM or via the Internet Kim Hill's Saturday Morning page Whilst I am away in Warkworth on FooCamp I am sure that Wellington will be pumping this weekend and the NZ Sevens will, according to Titch , "do well". Hadyn has published the following cracking wellingtonista guides: How to survive the Sevens: a guide for non-attendees How to survive the Sevens: a guide for attendees Note the pictures used in both Wellingtonista postings and here come from my 2006 Sevens experience (and here ).

Wellingtonista - Flickr: Wellington is more than just a Group

Flickr: Wellington is more than just a Group

Facebook cull

Much like my RSS feed cull mid last year it's time to remove the chaff from the wheat. Ruthless, aren't I!

[Updated] Wellingtonista: Wellington social networker going for US$1m

Original posting at: Wellingtonista - Wellington social networker going for US$1m -------------- Sometimes, just sometimes, there is an actual reason to joining the plethora of social networking sites springing up like weeds. Facebook has led a few long forgotten friends towards Wellingtonista Towers, Bebo has managed to keep the family in touch for some of us young 'uns and Flickr supplies the best Wellington photos being taken by you all. But how many have joined up a social networking site to be greeted with, "Be in to win US$1m" ... not I but Chiaradina has. Chiaradina , a proud new comer to Wellington, is in the running for US$1m ($1,000,000) from the Kiwi developed iYomu . Of course I could leave you with a link for you to sign-up and vote but that would be boring. getting a share of $30,000 for yourself is the not so boring part! Chiaradina and Eduard (her partner in crime and camera) are not being boring. They are using the challenge to film some awesome Welling

Is this spam ... I think so!

New AND Improved - yet again!

First there was Trade Me and now Yahoo! Groups has fallen into the same old trap It's either 'new' and therefore wasn't around previously to be improved upon. Or it's 'improved' based upon an older version and therefore can't be 'new' Mutually distinct options: New Improved Newly improved

George MacDonald Fraser - RIP

Whilst I know the rest of the world is focused on the Aussie actor Heath Ledger and most Kiwis have only just stopped talking about Sir Ed Hillary for me the news that George MacDonald Fraser has recently died * has made me a wee bit sad. Fraser was a writer of both books and films . His most famous film is probably Bond's Octopussy . For me he gave the wondrous would of Flashman and for years I have been waiting on the latest exploits of this cad from the 19th century based (very) loosely on the bounder in, Tom Brown's Schooldays (1857) If you're stuck for a read, want a ripping good yarn that has our anti-hero shagging all the gals , cheating, stealing and generally be a thoroughly rotten egg during the 19th century's finest historical moments (you'll actually learn stuff as well) pick up Flashman (1969 - buy it from Amazon ), the first in the series of 12, and have yourself a rocking good time. * Fraser actually died on 2nd January. Thanks for me old mate

Boxing Day 2007 - Jane's house and all the family

Boxing Day 2007 was a gathering that included TV, great food, beer/wine, family, gossip, laughter, ducks, a little rain and generally lots of relaxation - thanks Jane for hosting us all!

Christmas Day 2007/08 - Christchurch in photos

After a brief blast of Yuletide/Willowbank photos I've then gone very quiet - sorry, life has been VERY busy! Here we go ... Christmas Eve Christmas Day 2007 Bit disappointed here as we didn't get any photos of Jack and Meg's wide open eyes as they woke us up with the news "Santa's been!!" and when they opened their presents from under the tree.

Is he strong, listen bud, he's got radioactive blood

New computer wallpaper - C 1848, HII Region in Cassiopeia

Discovered this photo of "C 1848, HII Region in Cassiopeia" during a StumbleUpon session and it is brilliant as the background on your PC/computer - give it a go and you'll see what I mean Click for the full version, wait for it to load and then right-click on the photo - somewhere in the menu that appeared will be something like 'Set this as desktop background' or words to that effect. Technical Details: Object(s): IC 1848, HII Region in Cassiopeia Observing Site: Azor Observatory, Las Rozas, Madrid,Spain Date: Data acquired between October 7 and November 7, 2007 Camera: SBIG STL-11000M @ -20ºC Telescope: ASA N10 Astrograph @ f/3.6, Losmandy G-11 mount Filters: Astrodon 6nm H alpha, SII and OIII Exposure: Ha 480 minutes, OIII 300 minutes, SII 300 minutes (30 min subs) Processing Software: Maxim DL, Photoshop Comments: HST palette, shown at 50% size.

You vs the Chimp

Tell me if you like ...

... smelling the air after fireworks have exploded? Show all | explain this

These are stunning - liquid sculptures

Loads more at Interesting and Funny World where these appeared in the feed reader :

Who wants US$10,000?

I do - and that's why I am supporting my mate and his friend, Chiaradina , in her iYomi bid for US1,000,000. This from Ed's Making money - the Web 2.0 style post: I know I know - Web 2.0 is so last year and we’re already on the verge of 3.0 etc BUT I currently see first hand how Chiaradina uses it effectively to promote her message to a huge audience! She is one of the very few remaining contestants in iYomu’s 1 Million Dollar Challenge (think of the TV show Survivor on the Internet). iYomu is one of the social networking sites around and apparently chose to spend investors’ money to provide incentive for their users to go out and attract more and more users. To win this challenge she needs to have the most supporters voting for her every week. By creating videos to spread the word and attract people to vote for her we have spent the weekend doing all sorts of very 2.0 stuff - including our very first YouTube videos - and may I say we had heaps of fun ! Have a look at this

Ed Hillary - a tribute for us young uns

Thanks Spare Room . Statue Funeral (11am) on TV and radio tomorrow

Pop this into your diary - Craft2.0, March 22nd

Craft2.0 ( blog ) next event at TheNewDowse is Saturday March 22nd, 11am-3pm Craft2.0 returns March 22nd with an easter craft-o-rama featuring 60+ artists, crafters, and designers from Wellington and beyond they'll be showing off their latest and greatest D.I.Y. wares for your handmade-shopping pleasure! Craft2.0 with TheNewDowse continues to support and influence the handmade revolution we hand pick the most unique and talented crafters making the very best in handmade gifts and wares. Craft2.0 runs from 11am-3pm free gift bags to the first 50 adults and badges for the first 50 kids through the door at 11am Add to your calendar by pushing this

Freedom from English

Webstock 2008 (11th-15th February, Wellington) celebrates everything that is fine and good about the Web (1.0-2.0+) and as such is an active user of all the grand Web apps out there. For instance they are running a Flickr Group, Webstock 2008 Photo Exhibition: Freedom , from which will be culled a series of prints to peruse during the proceedings - more at my previous blog posting, Webstock the Photo Exhibition. Whilst I have entered a number of photos culled from the 19,500 or so we have online I also wanna let you show you these fine examples of "Freedom from English" I discovered on the box of a rather cheap and nasty toy Santa left in one of the kids stocking (*ahem*)

Virtual Cable for your driving experience

A friend of mine was always saying, "God, I wish there was a line on the road from my house to [destination] that I could follow and then I'd never get lost all the bloody time!" Well, it's not on the road it's suspended in the air like a cable - but it's yours to follow from here to there. Of course it's all done with the magic of computers from Virtual Cable ! Thanks to Rowan for his posting . BTW: If you're not subscribed to Rowan's blog then, you should be. He writes succinctly, honestly and with a smile about about cool, interesting things that appeal to virtually everyone. And I really should get around to posting about the Trade Me Manifesto just awesome!

$10m for a house in the city

I mean it's nice and everything but it's just a house in the city ... isn't it? (thanks Martha )

Formula 1 racing for the Empire

Full deal and bigger picture at The Dropkicks ...

The Golden Compass - print this voucher to see it for $9

Click to get the full voucher size ...

Wellingtonista: Are we a modern city?

Original posted at the wellingtonista - Are we a modern city? ------------------ Case in point ... why do we not have broadband access to everyone in the (wider) city? This from Singapore : Singapore gets free wireless connectivity with Wireless@SG while no one gets left behind in the digital revolution. Find out about how the Singapore Government is reaching out to more Singaporeans and equipping everyone to take full advantage of the digital opportunities that are opening up. So why don't we do that? Is it a case, as some think (in the comments) , that the Government should stay out of providing infrastructure and leave it to the private industry (to which I assume they are referring to Telecom or TelstraClear)? To be fair the Council is doing something about it - read their broadband plan Wellington City Councillors have agreed to a vision that could see affordable, high-speed broadband access throughout the city by 2012. But we all know how fast technology moves (have you seen

Pictures good enough to eat

Just look at these pictures. Look! Aren't they incredible ... and all totally and utterly made out of food. Found these at the BBC via Bad Language blog - there are more, go see the full BBC set . Incredibly, everything you see in this image can be found in the kitchen. Photographer Carl Warner has painstakingly captured all kinds of food in a series of still lifes. The red sky at night in this landscape is actually made from salmon. The beautiful pea-green boat wouldn't be out of place in Edward Lear's nonsense poem, 'The Owl and The Pussycat'. A winter landscape for carnivores - Parma ham and breadsticks are fashioned into a sled which is pulled across a snow-covered road made from a selection of cold meats. Edible ingredients in this Italian-inspired rural scene include a lasagne cart, fields of pasta, a pine nut wall, mozzarella clouds, trees of peppers and chillies and a parmesan village.

Spire Framed by Winter

Spire Framed by Winter Originally uploaded by Stuart's Photos . Changed the PC/computer wallpaper again - too many great photos coming through. That's it for at least 2 weeks. This is my home town, Monmouth in Wales ... nice eh!

E2.0 blog: 3 reasons to read this blog

BTW: these cross-postings will stop once I update the MiramarMike template to the new Blogger way of doing things which will mean I can just stick the 'Enterprise 2.0 New Zealand style' blog feed into the side panel. Until then, cross-posting it is ... 3 reasons to read this blog With a new blog there is always the tendency to plough on in and just start posting up thoughts, links and the odd video without letting the readers know why, what the relevancy it all has to them and the underlying reasons for subscribing to this blog. 1: Full coverage I find that many ICT blogs tend to stick with one niche area such as a particular vendor product or a type of programming language/methodology but the blogs that float to the top of the pile give you the whole picture. Within a sphere of making information available, findable and usable within organisations using the bigger picture elements of Web 2.0* this blog will cover the following 3 key areas: read the full article >

Breathtaking coastline of Wales

Breathtaking coastline of Wales Originally uploaded by Bēn . New wallpaper ... just caught my eye and love it!

E2.0 blog: About Mike / Prediction of the year ... / Spokeo ...

About Mike Riversdale I (Mike Riversdale, aka Miramar Mike) have worked all my professional life alongside users of information with my work with software vendors (Business Objects, Sydney), New Zealand government agencies (Department of Corrections, Ministry of Health, Christchurch City Council), charitable organisations (skylight) and private/public companies (Fronde, Etam). My focus is always on the real users and their information demands - I have been called the "people's poet"! Read the full article > Prediction of the year has already come true ... back in the 1950's I made the following prediction over at ReadWriteWeb : 3. The USA Election will change the way politics in that country is fought with the Internet (Web) becoming the primary battle ground. The fall out from this will be substantial and I suspect YouTube/Google will do very well out of it. And through my eclectic list of feeds I scan each day this popped through from Modern Mechanix, TELEVISION

Ubuntu eye candy - keyboard shortcuts to get the effects going

As you know , Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon (7.10, if you must know) comes with Compiz which gives you all manner of desktop eye candy but it's a bit of a pain to find out how to use them. Loads of advice about how to turn them on etc but then how do you rotate the cube? Let me tell you ... First you need to turn on the effects you want and that's a two step process: Tell Ubuntu to use the fancy effects System -> Preferences -> Appearance Visual Effects tab Custom Tell Compiz which effects to us e System -> Preferences -> Advanced Desktop Effects Settings Choose away to merry hearts content ( Forlong's blog posting is a good read to help) Some aren't that obvious until you try them - I suggest an evenings playing to find the ones that make you smile. I love the Cube (with reflections), Shift Switcher and Expo - try them to see how brilliant they are. And when you do try all this cool stuff think back to the old Windows XP days and wonder at how basic and very out

Sir Edmund Hillary dies at 88

Sir Edmund Hillary dies at 88 (and all reports all over the world ) There's gonna be some mourning, state funeral and loads of tributes and retrospectives. RIP Sir Ed

A flight attendant's safety talk that is brilliantly funny

"Sit back, relax ... or lean forward all twisted up, the choice is really yours"

His Dark Materials - the real story behind the The Golden Compass movie

You may have heard me say that I rate the His Dark Materials trilogy as one of the finest pieces of fiction I have ever been privileged to read and that it's only a small step behind The Lord Of The Rings as my top read of all time (so far). The reason that both these works (and they are works, not merely books) rate so highly is with the depth the writers place within them. LOTR is famously steeped in worldly detail - detail of Middle Earth that is - both in its descriptions of its present but how its own history and mythology seep into the current story. His Dark Materials also has a "descriptive" layer (not quite LOTR) but it's true depth comes from Philip Pullman's philosophy of 'who we are' and his subtle insistence that we should open our minds to the big questions of life. It is a trilogy that can never been fully appreciated in one read as the questions it asks of us become fuller, closer and scarier each time. For a background on the themes an

"universe as virtual reality" theory

And a "Kiwi scientist" is boosting the theory ... maybe that's because Kiwi's are actually system control parameters and are here to control the madness of the other programs let loose in this 'virtual reality' that we exist within. Oh, and I'm convinced that we're a very early release. Full article at Computerworld: NZ scientist boosts "universe as virtual reality" theory - here's a snifter to get your mind racing: Massey University scientist Brian Whitworth has attracted international attention with a paper he wrote suggesting physicists should explore the idea our universe is a giant virtual reality simulation. Whitworth says the idea, that " the world is an information simulation running on a three-dimensional space-time screen" , is no more weird than many in physics and could lead to interesting new paths for research and could offer explanations to complex problems.

Heavy metal ... it was so me in the 80's

Just caught the end of the C4 documentary The History Of Heavy Metal which is taking me through a time warp back to the music I grew up with. Not the music my parents had in the house but the music I went out to buy, dress up as and go to concerts to see. The band names are everyone I still have LPs/tapes of - Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Van Halen, Twisted Sister, Motorhead, Def Leppard ... I love it and so will you, bang ya head to this me old muckers!

Earth Hour: Open letter to Kerry Prendergast and Ray Ahipene-Mercer

I have just sent the following through to Kerry Prendergast (Mayor) and Ray Ahipene-Mercer (Portfolio Leader: Climate Change + my local councillor) - I will keep you informed of any progress and if it's nothing in a weeks time I will send it again to all the councillors. Of course, don't hold back on emailing them yourselves to ask them to support Wellington and Earth Hour! [Updated 10-Jan-2008: 2:37pm] Auto-response (I suspect) from PA as Kerry is on hols - stuck the response after the email. ------------- To: , Date: Jan 10, 2008 2:27 PM Subject: Is Wellington going to be part of the Earth Hour 2008 alongside Sydney, Chicago, Copenhagen and many other cities? As a Wellington citizen (Miramar) I believe the Wellington City Council should actively participate in and promote this year's Earth Hour environmental event at 8pm, Saturday March 29th (details: and all around the world). Ca

8pm, March 29th 2008 - turn out ya lights for one hour

In fact turn everything you can off! Earth Hour 2008 In essence, fvck the politicians, the rambling NGO's and the corporates with their ulterior $ motives. Let's make a difference ourselves - I will be reminding you closer to the date :-) Last year it was just in Sydney, this year it's all over the world ... a travelling band of "lights out" at 8pm, Saturday 29th It started with a question: How can we inspire people to take action on climate change? The answer: Ask the people of Sydney to turn off their lights for one hour. On 31 March 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney businesses turned off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour. This massive collective effort reduced Sydney’s energy consumption by 10.2% for one hour, which is the equivalent effect of taking 48,000 cars off the road for one hour. With Sydney icons like the Harbour Bridge and Opera House turning their lights off, and unique events such as weddings by candlelight, the world took notice. Inspi

Golden Compass review - Dan says it for me

Dan has saved me previous typing time by getting inside my head and writing my Golden Compass review for me, right down to the "partner's thoughts" - enjoy this from his mighty Funeral & Snakes movie review blog : Keen-eyed readers will remember that a year ago I nominated The Golden Compass as my most-eagerly-awaited title of 2007. So, how did it pan out? I’m one of those who consider Philip Pulman’s His Dark Materials books to be the most important works of fiction produced in the last 20 years and I was surprised at how closely the film followed Book One (Northern Lights), possibly to it’s detriment. I was worried that a film with much exposition and detailed scene-setting might prove unwatchable but my companion (unfamiliar with the books) found it thrilling whereas I found it hard to let myself go and relax into it - maybe second time around.

Bill Gates' last day at the office - his own CES video

On him, very funny and totally out there for taking the piss out of himself! Cameo's from Bono to Hilary Clinton and many others - nice! Found at Presentation Zen: Bill Gates "rocks" CES Enjoy this, from the man that "just doesn't believe in paying more than $7 for a haircut"

Google Maps get's even more up close and personal with Wellingtonians

Presumably having the Google car trundling around taking it's street view pictures means they will update Google Earth/Maps with the new "bypass" . Google Street View spotted in Wellington by the ProjectX dudes (their picture) with others seeing one in Christchurch and no doubt Auckland is also being photographed. Other sightings - this could get bigger than Beckham ;-) Bevan's blog: Google camera-car detail B's picture on Picasa

I'm in town if you fancy a coffee - 027-657 7144

E2.0 blog: Webstock 8x5 - come along and hear my 5 minutes of February fame

Enterprise 2.0 New Zealand style blog posting - Webstock 8x5 - come along and hear my 5 minutes of February fame As you know I have a humane mission to assist IT Departments in New Zealand get up to speed with Enterprise 2.0 whilst getting them out of the way of the work that actual business people want to perform. Not all IT Departments are "in the way", but a lot are. Mike and his team at Webstock have kindly given me one of the 8x5 slots (8 people, 5 minutes) at this years event ( Feb 11th-15th , conference proper is Thu 14th/Fri 15th at the Wellington Town Hall) in order to give you all pointers so that you may decide which IT Department type you have. I'll be speaking Friday in the 2:20-3:10pm '8x5' session. Here's what they say about me: ... read on >

Adding the Wellingtonista calendar to your Google Calendar

The Wellingtonista has a calendar of events that we think you really REALLY want to know about. We also know that you want this vital information delivered into your own calendar - easy peasy. 6 steps to adding the Wellingtonista to your Google Calendar Go to your Google Calendar ( ) Click the 'Manage calendars' link - bottom left of the current calendar list (which might only be one, yours) Click the 'Add calendar' button - bottom of the list of current "Other calendars" Make sure you're in the "Search Public Calendars" tab Enter wellingtonista and push the 'Search' button There it is - click the 'Add Calendar' button How to add to other calendar systems If you are lucky enough to be running an iCal ( hu h?) calendar system, such as Microsoft Office 2007+, you can subscribe to our Wellingtonista Google Calendar iCal feed Finally, there is an RSS feed of the calendar events. I don't think t