Ha ha ha ha, I love the effort someone is going to with this blog: http://fushnchups.co.nz , "A guide for Australians to living and working in New Zealand." This sample post, You forgot the hops, bro. , has 23 comments and rising with my personal favourite being the erudite yet playful: Cathy (March 24th, 2009 at 6:10 pm) - Get fucked, NZ is the best! Fantastic, that's put the ball fairly and squarely back in their court, *sigh* (BTW: some of the other comments are pretty icky - dickheads on both sides) The blog is actually quite fair and is getting press because, well ... I dunno, why is it getting press? Probably because it was a quiet day at TVNZ which seems to be a standard office day for that lot. I like this young tyke of a blog and there's nothing like having a tease with the locals eh :-) Anyway, have at it fellow Kiwis ;-)