What is your sort known for?

With the power of Google we can now find out the stereotypes that others see us by.

Kiwis are known for ...
... ingenuity ... good-natured bluster ... fowl-weather prowess ... tinkering ... friendliness ... hospitality ...

Cantabrians are known for ...
... can-do approach to conservation ... very one-eyed ... friendliness ... staunchly proud of their province ...

Australians are known for ...
... no-nonsense commonsense approach ... uncomplicated friendliness ... directness ... obsession with sport ... relaxed and friendly mannner .... innovation ...

Welsh are known for ...
... singing ... choirs .... voices ... drinking ... tenacity and stubborness ...

English are known for ...
... love of tea ... cherishing their traditions ... poetry ... their reserve ... conservatism ... dry, ironic humour ...

Swedish are known for ...
... quality workmanship ... bribing and selling arms ... deep kneading ... reluctance to support de-institutionalisation ... using blueberries for diarrhea ...

Germans are known for ...
... precision ... loading their sausages ... respecting their country's natural beauty ... enjoying their beer ... resourcefulnesss ... ales ...

Americans are known for ...
... dislike of walking ... geniality and hospitality ... guarding their rights ... loving their pets ... cherishing their freedoms and rights ... generosity ... insularity ...

But my personal favourite is the one solitary response to Wellingtonians are known for ...
... taking their coffee pretty seriously

Hat tip to Richard at Read/Write Web for initial link and idea


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