"Do You Have To!?!", A Game For Parents
No matter what you do your offspring will find you embarrassing, so why not make a game of it ... that's what we thought and here it is. The finest game is one where the child knows the rules as well, have been told the game is on and yet still they gift points at every conceivable opportunity - that's winning on a whole new level :) I've been asked how to get your child embarrassed and whilst there's the obvious plays that we can all do - giving a hug at school drop-off (especially point making with teenage boys), singing in the car when you're taxiing them AND their mates around and explaining why today's music is not as good as music in your day - only you really know that embarrassment button your child has. All I say to you is find a few more buttons, practice pushing them and then, PLAY ON! How to win Within the allocated timescale gain more points than other parents by embarrassing your kids. Timescale A normal game plays over a calendar