The Astounding Improbable You
You are incredible. The chances that you exist and are reading this are astounding. You are a massive statement that says to the universe, "I get it, it's so unlikely I exist, but here I am!" The improbability of your parents meeting, making you, and you surviving long enough to be here, right now is mind blowing enough. Then we factor in that your grandparents had the same improbability of meeting and having your two (biological) parents makes the brain tickle even more. And then back to your great-grandparents, and their parents, and back all the way to ... where it all started? All this on a planet that is currently unique in being able to support what we call life, and therefore you. A planet that is part a universe that has to have the physics to create planets and stars from the oh so tight settings of it's own fundamental building blocks. Seems it's something like 1 in 10 to the power of 2,685,000 ... that’s a 10 with 2,685,000 zeros after it. And yet, her