
Showing posts from January, 2011

Tom Beard On 1980 TV

The wee, innocent and slightly cherubic Thomas in the clip linked below* is now cavorting around town as @badtom ;-) (of course I had to find the most salicious picture I could of him) Anywho, click to see video from the mighty @NZOnScreen (thanks to @robyngallagher on Facebook for the initial video link) And as Robyn say, "If you don't know Tom, you can instead enjoy seeing future Minister of Education Lockwood Smith ask a question about the then current minister. Spooky." * sorry, couldn't work out how to embed the video, maybe I can't due to copyright

Wasn't I Cute?

My father is doing an awesome job scanning and uploading all the old photos . And this is me in my cuteness mode: Then again, *shudder* (Rob is gonna hate that being up, LOL!)

The Perfect Day In 1922

From the great blog Modern Mechanix comes The Perfect Day (Mar, 1922) which has these crackers amongst it (not all of which are daft): 3. Give yourself an air bath. That is, take off all of your clothes and give your skin a chance to breathe. This will not make you catch cold, but will keep you from catching cold. The 4. Take your morning exercises vigorously for five or ten minutes while nude. 5. Take a bath, and, if possible, wind up with a cold shower. Follow this by a brisk rubbing down with a rough towel until your skin glows with warm reaction. 8. Dress in clothes that are not too heavy and are not tight. Wear nothing that pinches. 9. Eat breakfast leisurely. Also cheerfully. Do not quarrel at breakfast. Start the day with a note of joy. 11. Do not hurry on your way to the train. In fact, do not hurry at all. Hurry implies a certain deficiency in your plans. 12. When you begin your day’s work at the office or the store, first of all make out a programme for the day.

Facebook - How Do I Say Fuck Off?

How do you (politely) decline an invite to "friend" someone? The options are seemigly, "Accept" - which does what's on the tin And, "Ignore" - which acts like, "Not gonna accept just yet but I'll get back to you" AND let's that person 'stalk' you on FB indefinitely seeing a lot of your stuff. Where's the, "Decline" option ... the "Fuck off weirdo" button ... the "In ya dreams pal" choice?

So, How Was Your Holiday Mike?

A common and appropriate question to ask which normally elicits the standard response of, "It was great, very relaxing and we ... [insert activity list here] ... How was yours?" Unfortunately this year I can't give the expected response as the "holiday" wasn't really one I'd like to repeat in a hurry. Now, before I crack into the whinging let me say up front that, on reflection, the elapsed time was mostly full of good or neutral stuff. However, the last memory I have the 2010/11 Xmas/New Year time off was one of non-relaxing. By the way, stop reading now as this is one of those "written for the author" type post-ettes and has little interest and certainly no deep philosophical learnings for any one else. Unless you're thinking of going camping with people you don't know in which case my deep learning for you is - DON'T! Christmas Day was fun, the kids had a blast and it was pleasant. Not a lot of pressies came to the growed u

Heathrow Airport, Now That's Not Where I Expected To See It On Google Maps

(VERY old post that I found in my drafts :-) With our impending trip to Sweden/Hawai'i I built up a Google map so that we could see where were staying etc etc and on searching for Heathrow I got the above. Doh!

Port Underwood camping holiday

Neither Liz and I took a lot of photos and those that we did seem to have been on the inside during the rainy times ... ho hum, here it is.

RIP 2010