
Showing posts from December, 2015

The 2015 'Days Of Christmas'

  btw: the above are last year's Riversdale Christmas tree decoration purchases but I'll update with the new ones we bought at Kirk's soon. Quite sad though that this tradition we started 10 years ago when Jack was born will be no more. Keeping this blog's  tradition  going, this is my Yuletide posting about all that you should know for Christmas. But let's just take a moment in the busy day to remember what it's all about - the people you love. I'm thinking of the people you love right now ... are you thinking of mine? Of course, it's not just about family and friends (if that's who I was thinking of) but also presents, alcohol and oodles of sitting around in the sun (hardy har har Northern Hempishpereans!). If Jesus is you thing, I mean, if he's your bag, what you're into man then do the religious thing as well. Just don't get all "God" over Christmas and try to remember that it was originally a pagan festival around