Showing posts from January, 2020
The Why Of UK Pub Names, Fascinating
It started with me looking up the why some British pubs are called The Cross Keys: Cross Keys: The sign of St Peter, the gatekeeper of Heaven. Often found near a church dedicated to St Peter. When people walked to the Sunday service they often stayed afterwards, at a house near the church, to drink beer and to watch or participate in sporting events. I then spent the next hour quietly exclaiming, "Hah, well there ya go", or, "Really, that's so cool" as I read the whole Wikipedia: Pub names page Monmouth Local, the Queen's Head - more photos of pubs and bars ...
Murder In The Villages
Hahaha, great post, " Your guide to not getting murdered in a quaint english village, for everyone that loves a good murder in a UK village " , be it from a book, on the big screen, or via the gogglebox. Higher floors Stay low. They can’t throw you off the balcony if you never go up the stairs. The stairs They are the xylophones of death. Lower floors Marble busts fall down, not up. Basements They don’t even have to dig a hole to put you in.
The Problem Today Is Obvious, It's Me!
The divide between the armies is where I live. Pick your battle to discover which armies you most closely align with and down in the divide you'll find me. The armies that have me rushing to the defence are normally in the realm of politics, the left vs right, or more correctly to my mind, those that chant individualism against community. For most this battle (that I never signed up to as per most soldiers) has me painted with the colours of the "liberal left". I carry the shield of the "socialist". I march under the red flag of the Labour Party, or I dance to the tunes of those that wish to chain us with shackles of environmentalism. I don't really. I happily live in the valley between the army filled mountains daily endeavouring to avoid the bullets and certainly ignore the shouts of either army to, "Come join us!" or the the more insidious whisperings of those sent down to the valley to convince us to join up and fight. Sounds weak does
Abandoned Items
There is a fascination and an adventure to be had clambering around abandoned buildings. I find most joy in discovering discarded and forgotten everyday objects. Having once oiled the daily lives of those that worked and lived within these buildings they now remind me that everything is transient and nothing is forever
Elizabeth Warren Should Be The Next US President
It's Donald versus one of these ... Now, I don't wish to cast aspersions, but does everyone look the same apart from Elizabeth Warren ( @ewarren )? Of course it's not just about not being a pale, stale, male even though that would be a massive breath of fresh air for the whole world. No, there's also the thinking that comes with Elizabeth Warren and, from what I've read from all the way over here in New Zealand, it's been all good stuff . However The Guardian , from whence this photo comes from, opens it's article with Biden is too gaffe-prone; Sanders and Warren are too far left; Buttigieg, too young. But which one is capable of beating Trump? "too far left"!? Fuck me sideways with a political handbook, if Elizabeth Warren is "too far left" for Americans they haven't read much history, travelled anywhere in the world, or understand the concept of kindness. Hey, it's the USA, a different culture, differ