Popped out to Jackson Street in Petone this afternoon in the howling rain with a car load of Riversdales and a mother-in-law from Christchurch. Why would we attempt such an adventure I hear you ask ... go on, ask ... I can wait ... ! ... [looks at ceiling] ... AHA, great question, well let me tell you. A friend of Liz's (and mine now, she's awesome), Wendy, and a mutual mate recently went off following her dream of making cheese - you may recall an earlier post that popped out of that particular scheme. Well, Wendy is not content to merely create awesome cheese in her home kitchen for the neighbours and has expanded the Hutt empire* to now include their very own shop, Cultured (185 Jackson Street, Petone - map ). Follow them on Twitter at @mmmcheeseplease It's a cheese shop - it is gonna rock! It also, today , seemed to be the venue for a female only Petone tweetup ;-) But most distressingly, it lacked any discernible bazouki. * Wendy and her fantastic hubby Conrad are al