Radio Active 89FM

Gotta love Radio Active 89FM here in Wellington (or via the world wide wobbly). I listen to it as I come to work and it never ceases to, at least once in my 30min-ish trip, make me smile, make me tap my feet (the music ranges from DH/clubbing to bizarre CM) and make me think, "Hmm, good point/interesting" - all with an attitude of let's have a laff but not be patronising and childish about it all (think More FM and 91ZM!).
Oh, and if you're missing the "What's On In Wellington" email then listen here as it has all the gigs going from today until the future. Finally, I totally rate the morning DJ dude (who's name evades me) ... Liam, that's it. Good work fella.

AND, it's the final (for ever?? hope not) Whopper Chopper down at Island Bay this Saturday, 12pm-8pm. - goes head-to-head with the X*Air malarkey on the waterfront.
Telecom pulled their sponsorship at the final moment! What unhelpful bastard made that decision - anyone gotta name so we can email them with our thoughts?


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