Who wants US$10,000?

I do - and that's why I am supporting my mate and his friend, Chiaradina, in her iYomi bid for US1,000,000.

This from Ed's Making money - the Web 2.0 style post:
I know I know - Web 2.0 is so last year and we’re already on the verge of 3.0 etc BUT I currently see first hand how Chiaradina uses it effectively to promote her message to a huge audience! She is one of the very few remaining contestants in iYomu’s 1 Million Dollar Challenge (think of the TV show Survivor on the Internet). iYomu is one of the social networking sites around and apparently chose to spend investors’ money to provide incentive for their users to go out and attract more and more users. To win this challenge she needs to have the most supporters voting for her every week.

By creating videos to spread the word and attract people to vote for her we have spent the weekend doing all sorts of very 2.0 stuff - including our very first YouTube videos - and may I say we had heaps of fun 😁 ! Have a look at this:

Check out the vid on his posting AND support Chiaradina by voting for her at iYomu - yes, you will need to sign up but supply the bare minimum and click once a week to be in the chance to get US$10,000


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