New computer wallpaper - C 1848, HII Region in Cassiopeia

Discovered this photo of "C 1848, HII Region in Cassiopeia" during a StumbleUpon session and it is brilliant as the background on your PC/computer - give it a go and you'll see what I mean

Click for the full version, wait for it to load and then right-click on the photo - somewhere in the menu that appeared will be something like 'Set this as desktop background' or words to that effect.

C 1848, HII Region in Cassiopeia

Technical Details:
  • Object(s): IC 1848, HII Region in Cassiopeia
  • Observing Site: Azor Observatory, Las Rozas, Madrid,Spain
  • Date: Data acquired between October 7 and November 7, 2007
  • Camera: SBIG STL-11000M @ -20ºC
  • Telescope: ASA N10 Astrograph @ f/3.6, Losmandy G-11 mount
  • Filters: Astrodon 6nm H alpha, SII and OIII
  • Exposure: Ha 480 minutes, OIII 300 minutes, SII 300 minutes (30 min subs)
  • Processing Software: Maxim DL, Photoshop
  • Comments: HST palette, shown at 50% size.


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