Half Full IS Nothing To Me

As I drove around the bays, tears in my eyes, feeling the loneliest I'd ever been
My daughter sat next to me, deep in her musicals
I saw the upright, confident walk of the lady in her salmon pink coat
And I thought, "Is she feeling the same?"

Do we feel the same?
Right now, as I bounce from thinking there is no point to
There is all the hope in the world, this is our chance to make it right
Our chance to build the world we want
Ach, what's the point, they'll never change.

We're fucked
I don't have the energy to carry on, I don't have the skills to make a difference
I don't have the love to extend to the world
The Murdochs, the English rich, the American power hungry
All of them and more, they won't let it change, they will fight, with bombs if needed
They'll get men with guns, with ideas of loyalty, with status quo.

My daughter sat next to me, deep in her musicals
Her noise cancelling headphones blocking out the rage I was projecting
The tears of impotence hidden behind my sunglasses.
My brain screaming, "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" 
At the Murdochs, the English rich, the American power hungry
We will change, and you will fight, but I don't care.

Being on the wrong side of history is the phrase
There are so many already crossing the bridge, so many virus affected that are on the bridge
With every one that steps across those left behind become lonelier and lonelier
One day they will pedal around the bays, and the tears will be theirs.

The upright, confident walking lady in her salmon pink coat
Is she feeling the same?
Whairepo Lagoon / Harbour Bridge (Wellington, NZ) in the fog


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