Your Pets Deserve The "Jack And Meg Care Treatment" Over The Holidays

Let us care for your Miramar Peninsula pets over Christmas and New Year!

Jack and Meg will pop round, feed and give a loving hug / stroke / smile to your precious pets over the Christmas and New Year allowing you to have your holiday in peace and comfort knowing it’s all sorted at home.

For a mere $10 per visit they will ensure your pets have the holiday you’d want for them as well as taking in your mail. Want your garden watered, sure, just ask and they can.

Jack has finished 1st year at Wellington High and is happy to take the love he has for his own cat to your pets
(he's doing it because money can be exchanged for goods and services)

Meg, who has finished her 1st year at EBIS, is kind and loving with all animals and is looking forward to meeting your special pet.
(she’s not quite sure what she’ll spend the money on, but knows it won't be on fizzy or lollies)

Give Liz Riversdale (Mum) a call on 021-252 3234 to book in your loved pets until 4 January - you know you want to!

Our neighbour would describe us as honest, experienced, and genuine good kids.

She also said you can call her if you think we just made that up for this ad.


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