1st Week, Dry July, Tough
It's been a fascinating first week of my Dry July adventure which, combined with giving up smoking (YET! AGAIN!), has lead to some terse conversations but much better health.
For me not having alcohol has had a number of changes, mostly internal. I definitely find I have more time on my hands and, of an evening, find myself wandering the living room wondering what to do with my hands as I watch the bears. Funny eh, i obviously use alcohol to avoid myself a tad.
Also, catching up with people has been one of, "No, sorry, can't do that" as they invite me for a quick beer after work. Of course, I could go into a bar and not have a beer ... possible, but I need to break the habit a bit more first and become a conscious drinker. I reckon another week.
What else, oh, it's already having a health difference - keep an eye on my ever decreasing belly over the next few weeks :)
See you next week where I've been told it is much easier as the first week is the toughest.
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