Been A Long Time, How Are Ya?

Met a blog reader (hi Michael) last night and it struck me that I've been very lazy with the blog using it as a dumping ground for "funny hardy-har" stuff but not really much more.

So, what's been going down?
  • WaveAdept has been ticking along a little too slowly but now the team is back together again after holidays and the like we can refocus ourselves upon it - I have the Sauron's eye picture in my mind for some reason
  • The "book shop" dream is slooowly coming together - expect a little (not huge) movement on this early next year
  • dives into "open" advocacy every now and again but not enough for the soul - really want to focus on the promised blogging for
  • Liz is very busy at the moment launching, with her business partner Helen, Breathing Space ("professional development for parents"), particularly with the event on Monday 19th Oct - still tickets available ...
  • Jack seems to have jumped up another step in being a wee male in the Riversdale team and is an absolute pleasure to be around. His reading has blossomed (yaay for crossing that threshold) and I'm convinced it's because he gets The Beano comic every week ;-)
  • Meg had her first sleepover at her mate's on Monday (as did Jack at anothers, we had an evening off, yaaay). When I got home the following night around 5:30pm Meg was totally knackered from having stayed up almost all night chatting and making themselves a feast - ha ha ha
  • Towards the end of the month Meg will also become a "morning Kindy girl" and she'll be 9am-12pm every week day, wow, school next!
  • Liz and the kids visited Christchurch during the first week of school holidays, had a blast. Normally this means I get to starfish on the bed at home but I promptly got a stomach bug and was ill as a dog. Wednesday was good though as Luke and I celebrated a Wallabies loss courtesey of his mates who visited and left the $140 winnings for us to drink through. Oooh, I was tired the day after
And finally, we're all soooooo looking forward to our Christmas holiday with Rob (my bother), Linda and Ben in Stockholm and then a week in Honolulu. Before that we have Meg's fourth birthday part at her Kindy; we have Labour weekend off at some point and I'm sure Christmas drinkies will happen. All go!


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