Amazing Trampolining AND Making Rubbish Bins Fun AND ... We Are Fucked

The fabulous "Best Of YouTube" podcast recently popped the trampolining vid into my brain and subsequently I popped over to their website and discovered another awesome "fun theory" video showing how:
We believe that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. We call it The fun theory. Do you have an idea that uses fun to change behaviour? Enter now for the chance to win €2500.

(Note: this is "an initiative of Volkswagen" ... advertising in a subtle form)

But then I saw the final vid and realised we, as the dominant species on this planet, are slowly (quickly?) creating the next release ... eek ;-) Imagine that soft robot together with the wandering capability hooked into Google, *shudder*

Enjoy the show ...


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