We Are Prepared
- Christmas presents have been bought
- Over a bottle of wine the pressies have been wrapped
- Santa's Christmas stocking fillers have been divided and are ready to be distributed
- Family in Stockholm have been Skype'd and plans for present opening across the timezones made (how friggin' cool is that!)
- Beer has been bought
- Chicken and fresh stuff is being bought
- Vineyards have been emptied
- Liz's iPhone Xmas present has been let out of the bag by a "Thank you for registering your iPhone" email sent to her InBox, damn was gonna get in before Liz and archive it but ...
- Christmas music has been played and is being played
- Peter Pan is being enjoyed
- Kids are keen as mustard go have a bath - !!!! - reason: Father Christmas/Santa doesn't want to struggle through smelly bedrooms to fill the stockings
Two more things about Christmas that have struck me this year:
- The myth (out and out lie?) of Father Christmas is weird ... but it generates so much excitement and wonder for J & M that it's so totally worth it. Maybe that's what God(s) is about ... is it?
- My Christmas is changing with the new country and new family ... we are generating a Riversdale Christmas which is both cool and also sad as I let go of my own childhood Christmas. The trick, I s'pose, is to merge/morph and not stop/start. This year it's been the realisation that real nuts just aren't a thing I can have ... make of that statement how you will
Have an awesome one everyone and see you post the New Year
happy christmas!! even though i should say "merry" christmas on account of all that booze...