We Are Prepared

  • Christmas presents have been bought
  • Over a bottle of wine the pressies have been wrapped
  • Santa's Christmas stocking fillers have been divided and are ready to be distributed
  • Family in Stockholm have been Skype'd and plans for present opening across the timezones made (how friggin' cool is that!)
  • Beer has been bought
  • Chicken and fresh stuff is being bought
  • Vineyards have been emptied
  • Liz's iPhone Xmas present has been let out of the bag by a "Thank you for registering your iPhone" email sent to her InBox, damn was gonna get in before Liz and archive it but ...
  • Christmas music has been played and is being played
  • Peter Pan is being enjoyed
  • Kids are keen as mustard go have a bath - !!!! - reason: Father Christmas/Santa doesn't want to struggle through smelly bedrooms to fill the stockings
Two more things about Christmas that have struck me this year:
  1. The myth (out and out lie?) of Father Christmas is weird ... but it generates so much excitement and wonder for J & M that it's so totally worth it. Maybe that's what God(s) is about ... is it?
  2. My Christmas is changing with the new country and new family ... we are generating a Riversdale Christmas which is both cool and also sad as I let go of my own childhood Christmas. The trick, I s'pose, is to merge/morph and not stop/start. This year it's been the realisation that real nuts just aren't a thing I can have ... make of that statement how you will

Have an awesome one everyone and see you post the New Year


  1. happy christmas!! even though i should say "merry" christmas on account of all that booze...


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