The voice of the wellingtonista on the radio/internet - TONIGHT!

The wellingtonista is not only a hugely popular website all about Wellington (New Zealand) but it´s a group of people that are as diverse and interesting as you´d care to mention ... and to prove it we´re hosting a live radio show on VBC (Victoria University of Wellington's Student & Community Radio Station) - TONIGHT with Steven.

In fact not just tonight but quite a few Mondays from 7-9pm.
Hopefully I´ll get time away from the family to host a show ... you can rely on me to let you know.

Listen live using your wireless (88.3FM) if you´re close enough to pick it up or from anywhere in the world at works just fine.

If you want to call the wellingtonista then pick up the phone and call the studio on 04-463 9994.


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