Tits at lunchtime (+ pictures)


In Auckland at the mo' and having a blast with the very cool Fronde people in their wicked office at 131 Queens Street. At lunch time I went for a wander to see how down town Auckland and the Viaduct had changed since I was last here ... loads. Not all for the good, the Prince's Wharf is a shocker.

On the way back I noticed that there were a few people standing around looking up the street. Then there were a few police. And more and more people waiting for something to come towards them. Up ahead there was obviously a procession/VIP type affair coming towards me.

Tits! And legs! On bikes, in army jeeps and hanging out of cars.
And transvestites.

Feast your eyes on my photo's I took with 'crap cam' (my mobile):
Flickr: Boobs On Bikes Flickr: Boobs On Bikes Flickr: Boobs On Bikes

Officially named, "Boobs On Bikes" and all in aid of the Erotic Lifestyles Expo in Auckland (24th-26th August, ASB Showgrounds).

Better photos reporting at:


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