Software you can *touch* - slightly unnerving

Give the PowerCursor site a whirl (!)

This is what they say:
Powercursor is a software toolkit in Flash for designing interfaces you can touch.

Tactile sensations like stickiness, roughness, pressure, volume or mass can be experienced in a graphical user interface without resorting to special force feedback devices. Powercursor uses a technique called 'visually simulated force feedback' to evoke the tactile experience.

The software engine consists of a set of force field objects that can be added to any Flash project: Holes, Hills, Slopes, Roughs, Walls, Whirls, and more. Powercursor enables interaction designers to add a sense of feel to their Flash interfaces without difficult programming.

Try more examples or download powercursor and start creating richer interfaces now.

If you want to learn more about the scientific background of visually simulated force feedback, read the original research paper What You See is What You Feel (pdf), written by its inventor Koert van Mensvoort.

And what I say is, "Oooooooooooooooh, that's weird - especially the windmill jobby" [shudder with a smile]


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