What to call the blog once I move to the UK

Well, after the switch from the MiramarMike blog to ChCh-Changes the question has been posed by Llew, "What'll the blog be when in Wales? Monmouth-Mike?"

I dunno - what do you think? Options ruminating through the brain (is that a real phrase or have I mixed up what a cow's stocmach does with my thought processes ... ! ... ?! ...) are:
  • Monmouth Mike
  • Miramar Mike (I will be returning to Wellington Jan 2008)
  • Returning Riversdales
  • Mike Does The UK (not just England)
  • Malarkey from Mike
  • ...
Whatever I get to change the name I intend to keep it all in this blog and have an automatic redirect from the old (current!) name so no-one has to go buggering around with links and the like .. unless they want to have the new name.

Which brings me back to ... what name?

Leave your new blog name suggestion:

(your suggestion will be "anonymous" but if you want to take full and public credit for your suggestion you can here)


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