All Blacks to play a depleted England at the opening of the revamped Twickenham

The game at Twickenham (November 5th) all good and will be something to watch (hell, I might even get along to see it live if I can get my hands on one of the 80,000 tickets) ... BUT, what's the point if the English clubs don't release the players. I don't get the way it works over there - how can the clubs be so controlling of the players and whether they can play for their international side or not. They're even taking the RFU to court ... I mean, duh!

I know what the answer is really - money.

But no-one gives a flying shag if Leicester beat Bath (or whoever) on the same day when England will be playing the All Blacks. The majority of rugby fans will be watching the international game, the majority of the fans will care if England beat the All Blacks (they won't) and the majority of the fans know that winning internationals is where its at in the rugby world.

So how does it work? Why do these piddling little clubs (on the scale of things) have so much power and use it so dumbly?


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