Christmas in Wales (according to the BBC) / Mrs Beeton

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Monmouth Christmas Lantern Parade 2021

The BBC - Wales - Christmas site is pretty nice, especially:
And if you want to add a Welsh Christmas phrase to your cards, try BBC - Catchphrase - Welsh Greetings (these Welsh Christmas links aren't too shabby either)

Can't say any of the traditions or superstitions stick out in my mind although I do have a particular need for certain 'Christmas' food and things-to-happen for it to be Christmas Day and not just another day off from work. Interesting how I'm perpetuating the northern hemisphere food tradition of "hot food" (particularly the roast with chicken and all the trimmings) in the height of summer. I s'pose we will combine the chicken thing with the salad/BBQ thing over the years and it'll all work out to be "our tradition".

The wider BBC Christmas site holds a stack of very cool links - stands outs for me were:
  • Baby's first Christmas
  • Best-ever Christmas
  • History of Carols
  • Preventing hangovers
  • Cook the perfect turkey
  • Rick Stein's Christmas Down Under
Nice to see Mrs Beeton on the list and being linked to. I've got an early copy of Mrs Beeton's, The Book of Household Management ('Mrs B's' as it's know to all and sundry - Wikipedia entry) and have been educating Liz about her as it's not something Kiwi's have at all. If you don't know about Mrs B then I urge you to find a copy no matter how old (well, the later the better) as it's a wonder of publishing really. From the original preface (1861):
Comprising Information for the
Mistress, Housekeeper, Cook, Kitchen-maid, Butler, Footman, Coachman, Valet, Upper and under house-maids, LadyÂ’s-maid, Maid-of-all-work, Laundry-maid, Nurse and nurse-maid, Monthly, wet, and sick nurses, etc. etc.

also, sanitary, medical, & legal memoranda;

with a history of the origin, properties, and uses of all things connected with home life and comfort.
Yep, it covers everything. As I said, the version I have is dated 1980, published by Ward Lock Limited (bought by Philip Sturrock of Continuum International Publishing Group) called Mrs Beeton's Cookery and Household Management. Is there a more up-to-date version?


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