Le roi est mort. Vive le roi!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comYes indeedy. The time has come to say goodbye to MiramarMike and move on to MainlanderMike at ChCh-Changes.

I'm sitting in an room bereft of furniture, in fact the whole house is bereft of anything to sit on except Jacks little couch which doesn't have the support I require. We've managed to get rid of all the stuff we don't need either by TradeMe, dropping it off at Mary Hospice shop (Park Rd) or having the Sallys turn up with a truck and take it all away (everything except one plate which they left on the driveway, weird).

Today is packing for the trip. Tomorrow the packers come and stick everything else into boxes. Saturday the packers return and put all the boxes into a truck. Monday the boxes turn up in Christchurch. Crickey!

We'll be off to stay with mates for the weekend (thanks guys) and out celebrating on Saturday with everyone that knows us - please come along as we'd love to see you.

Monday morning (8am!!!) it's on to the new ferry for the trip across to the South Island. In fact we're part of the inaugural sailing, isn't that cool. Let's hope it all goes as smoothly as required, the weather is a pristine as it's been recently and that we have enough time to check out the 9 levels.

And so, my loyal, highly intelligent and far too attractive readers we have come to the final curtain (sing along if you feel the need). MiramarMike has been a blast and I have met loads of pretty kick ass people (some in the flesh), have had many a laugh and thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to bore everyone rigid with my rugby postings.

One of the highlights for me was being a part of the Wellingtonista. As you may know I was behind the initial "What's On In Wellington" site (changed beyond recognition now) and am happy that the Wellingtonista has taken over that spiritual mantle - on ya James.

A special thanks to my agent, my parents and Go- ... hang on, wrong speech.

Cheers to everyone for the comments. Thanks to Liz for getting what this was all about. Cheers to Blogger, Picasa and Hello for the integration. Thanks to the old work not getting all Nazi on my ass when I blogged my little heart out. Cheer to you for reading.

Of course, all of this continues in new sexy underwear at ChCh-Changes - do join me.

We arrive in Christchurch Thursday afternoon. It looks like I'll be straight to a work function to show my face and get introduced over a few beers - isn't life great ;-)
After that I'll resume the blogging at the new abode with loads to tell.

That's it - see you at ChCh-Changes


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