"Citizens one and all, look over there!"

With all the lies, fake photos, silence, and general misdirection by the UK Conservative Party and their ongoing attempt to fool the British public one action stands out as being dropped by the mainstream media, the UK's Prime Minister, Boris Johnson (well, his "office" at least which I'm sure would've included Dominic Cummings), and the November 2019 decision not to release a report on Russian meddling in the democratic process as produced by the UK Parliament's own cross-party Intelligence and Security Committee.
It is understood that the dossier examines allegations that Russian money has flowed into British politics in general and to the Conservative party in particular. It also includes claims that Russia launched a major influence operation in 2016 in support of Brexit. 
source: The Guardian, Sat 2 Nov 2019 17.25: Dominic Grieve calls for release of report on Russian meddling
Why and how has this been quietly dropped by the UK radio, TV, and traditional newspapers - nothing really post 5th November? Even the online brigade no longer talk about it with the latest for a "downing street intelligence and security committee" Google search" being:
Has it become this easy to control the narrative, especially when people are steered by new, contentious, and competitive "content" that, I believe, Russia and their partners (Conservative, Republican, Liberal, National parties) produce and disseminate as required.


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