How To Stream The Rugby (Even Though It's Still A Bloody Palaver)

I've never been a Sky fan and certainly don't want to add to the monopoly of broadcasting of our essential sports (being a Welshman in New Zealand I am a bit passionate about rugby) - that's a philosophical stance less a commercial decision.

Having said that, HOW EXPENSIVE could they make it, madness.

In years past I have always trawled the Internet looking for illegal streams of games but they are harder to find now and almost always try and infect or scam you so it's not something I'd recommend to anyone.

So what to do?
  • Pub, sure, but I don't want to drink all the time
  • Mates houses, yeah, but not on school nights
  • Pay for a stream, but how?

And then RugbyPass entered my life - for a cost, which is fine, as I say I'm happy to pay, just don't want to pay to a monopoly or through the nose!

High quality, legal rugby streaming ... if you're outside of SANZAR.
I am inside of SANZAR, so a wee bit of jiggery-pokery still required (even to sign-up and pay for RugbyPass ... oh, that reminds me, it wont take a New Zealand credit card, coz that's in SANZAR, but PayPal  account is fine ... my PayPal account is linked to my New Zealand credit card, so go figure).

So I'm gonna need a VPN, which I always thought would involve hours of setting up, fiddling with arcane network settings and buggering up the Internet connection for ever. But no, download app, choose country, done (I used Turbo VPN on Android)

And so, now when it's game time (and I mean ANY game of rugby, union or league, anywhere in the world):
  1. Open the phone
  2. Run Turbo VPN, connect to/as Singapore
  3. Run RugbyPass app
  4. Chromecast to the TV screen.
It takes about 10 mins as it's a delicate balance act of VPN, RugbyPass and Chromecast but once it's up and going, turn off the VPN and love the Lions tour. I have NO idea how the Chromecast works as it's not going through the VPN (or is it, or is it not) as that's on my phone ... but hey, we all need a bit of magic in our lives now and again.

Rugby, streaming, on my TV ... "Legally", ish

Man I can't wait until this is just the norm and as ubiqitous as YouTube!
(why not show the games via YouTube ... paid for, I'm ok with that, just not $100/month ffs)

Oh, and if this post somehow means it all stops working for me, I will let you ALL know!


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