Arovideo Keeps On Plodding With Censorship Reform And I Suddenly Notice

Hadn't been aware of this at all which is a surprise as it seems from the Arovideo Censorship page that they've been plugging away at getting the Guvmunt to reform the prohibitive/unfair parts of the law since 2004 ... wowser.

But today I read the following from 'em:
Hello AroVideo member / My-Aro subscriber

Please forgive our blatant politicking, but we interrupt our usual newsletter program to bring you an update on the Campaign for Censorship Reform that we initiated nearly a year ago. (Apologies to those among you that have already lent their support by signing the Campaign and will have already received this update)

We have posted a Campaign Update on our official forum at to outline what's happening at Government level - the short answer being "not nearly enough", but as it is at least on the table of discussion, it is vital that we keep applying public pressure.

As this Campaign is of grave importance to the service that we (and other arts and academic film libraries) can provide going into the future, we have now launched a Facebook page dedicated to the cause. We figure that the Facebook phenomenon is a much easier way for many people to acknowledge their support and to contribute if they so desire.

However we still encourage you to sign the official campaign forum (recently re-launched), and invite those of you registered for Facebook (or who are just plain curious) to please visit the Campaign for Censorship Reform Facebook Page and click "like" to become a supporter. If you can post the link on your own page letting your own friends know about it, well, then we'd bless you cinema-loving soul.


For a reminder of what practical effect the current legislation has, you can browse this sample of Withdrawn Titles currently published on our website. This list repesents only a tip of an ever-mounting iceberg of legitimate entertainment for adults that we may never be able to make available.

It's an interesting point being made about the unlevel playing field (they have a nice explanation graphic) and how we're not always being treated like adults. I don't have too much of a view on it as I get most of my "filmed entertainment" via the Internet (and no, not in that smutty way you're thinking off) which does seem to transcend the film classification (hence the unlevel playing field).

Anyway, a Facebook group - well, I'm not the one to be promoting Facebook as all you Daphne Fairfax Jr fans will know but Facebook does seem to becoming the centre of all "campaigns" and this has the smell of being a good cause ... over you pop then!


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