RWC: Hors-jeu! with only 5 days to go ...

Mr Ashton of the World Cup Champions, hot England, asks that people don't write them off (what about Manu Samoa Mr A, Sun 23rd 2am) and to think how wonderful and amazing Mr J Wilkinson is at the moment ... if he doesn't break after 5 minutes into their first game (v USA, Sun 9th Sep, 4am). Mind you, the Wallabies (Fiji are coming for ya, Mon 24th 12:30pm) won't be happy with Mr Mortlock breaking himself in training or the Boks and their own injury worries (or is this mere game playing?).

And can someone explain this to me - how come England are yet to name their squad?

All Black fans aren't happy to learn that the pool match against Portugal (Sat 15th Sep, 10pm) is actually against Portugal B - makes a complete mockery of Pool C and probably the whole round robin process. This will be discussed endlessly over the next 3 to 4 weeks and yet nothing will be done before 2011 to solve it.

When the All Blacks shrug off the pressure to win they will celebrate in New Zealand all together, bringing back a little over 5 tonnes of baggage (it will grow with shopping, souvenir gathering and of course THE cup).

If you're lucky enough to be in France then here's a few phrases for you (from the newly released "French in the Scrimmage" phrasebook):
  • 'penal-touche' - a penalty kicked to touch
  • 'marquer un essai' - score a try
  • 'hors-jeu' - offside

* Guys, you'll want to read my Eye tracking and article layout (and crotches) posting after looking at the above picture


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