Wellingtonista: Free tickets to Downstage (limited time, conditions apply)

Read this and apply over at Wellingtonista: Free tickets to Downstage (limited time, conditions apply)

The lovely people at Downstage have offered Wellingtonista-readers the chance to see the new NZ play Finding Murdoch free next Monday or Tuesday.

Reviewer John Smythe at theatreview.org.nz said of the show:
My partner loved it and rugby is not her bag. But then it’s written by a woman about a woman’s desire to achieve and understand, and it’s directed by a woman, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Which isn’t to say rugby orientated blokes won’t like it too. Heading for the car (after the Monday 6.30 show) I bumped into Keith Quinn – of sportscasting fame – and asked him if he’d just been to Finding Murdoch. “Saw it on opening night,” he said. “It’s terrific. You should go.”

There’s more about the show here, and we have 20 double-passes to give away to either Monday or Tuesday of next week. Simply ...

... find out how to apply over at Wellingtonista: Free tickets to Downstage (limited time, conditions apply)


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