Wellingtonista: Stinky poo, stink poo

From Wellingtinista: Stinky poo, stinky poo

Where's your worm now!?!?Whilst Wellingtonista Towers is home to the funky, the hip and the connected it also houses the dads, mums and general caregivers to the next generation of the funky, hip and connected.

For those that are also parents can I recommend the latest Kapitall Kids Theatre show at the Gryphon Theatre of Spike Milligan's Badjelly the Witch

Whilst a paid theatre reviewer would probably use phrases such as "professional", "engaging", "a delight", "something for the adults" and "a must see for all the family" my son and I can only say - GO! It's a total hoot and you'll love the music (pop), jokes (topical) and acting (awesome).


Where: The Gryphon on Ghuznee [ZoomIn map]
When: now until Saturday 14th of April
Time: 11 am, 1 pm; 3pm Mon - Fri
Price: $10 per person, $36 for family
How to book: 04-934 4068 or just turn up
Age: 3+ years


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