Week 27, third trimester

Image hosted by Photobucket.comShe would probably survive is she had to come out today ... but home cooking is definitely the best still so we'll hope she doesn't.

With all the moves happening I suspect that Meg won't be uppermost in my mind for the next few weeks. Actually, I tell you what I do do - I have a quiet moment relaxing from the days activity by putting my hand on Liz's tum and have a mental natter with Meg. It's like having a mate on the end of a phone that's not interested in the crap and just wants to tell you about herself.

I like it.

Whilst the list of things to do before Meg is number 1 is shrinking it's still quite big.
Enjoy the piece mate and speak to ya soon. Love you.

Oh, did think, "Hmm, wonder what it would be like if Meg isn't a girl" - Louie would be the name but would be a bit weird for a while. S'pose will only really know for sure on the day - and it will be a day, not just after midnight like Jack ... eh Meg! ;-)


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