Week 18, starting to get more real

We've entered the "birthday zone" with Jack and his mates all turning two around June. His birthday is 17th June (this Friday) and we're having a low-key "Jacks mates only" type affair.

But, this isn't about Jack it's about Meg/Louie/Oliver ...

At the parties with the amount of 'second children' (I'd say 50% have or are having number two) around at the parties I did notice myself thinking back to when Jack was a wee one. All that holding, sleeping and feeding (Liz'll have fun).

Also, the cool times getting up in dead of the night with just little Jack and I and a bottle. I'm really looking forward to those special times again.

The amount of 'equipment' you have to cart around was also brought back. Together with the 100% attention one has to give them during the first few months it's like looking forward to a test match - all preparation but ya don't really know how it'll be on the night.

Of course I have to watch myself with the direct comparisons of Jack. He was how he was and whilst the general "being a parent" is the same I'm sure s/he will bring his/her own challenges to the role. Apart from being "generally healthy" and having "all their bits" I am hoping that there's none of the "keeping the wee person awake" issues - collick, reflux and the like.

Liz is moving slooowly out of the "Hmm, Liz looks a bit overweight" and into the "Liz is glowing with pregnancy" - probably one more week and she'll not have to worry about it every again.

Past "Baby X" postings


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