A meme for our town

I know, I know I wasn't gonna do one but ... look, I feel a failure already so just let it go and do the damn meme will ya!

Wellington (NZ) Town meme

1: Where do you go when the rain/sun comes?
Rain: Indoors here in Miramar with a good book/vid, OR, a cafe with mates: Eva Dixons (Miramar), Epic (crnr Ghuznee/Willis).
Sunny: Scorching Bay with the Liz and Jack; Oriental Parade and around harbour ending up at Wellington Brewery Bar meeting mates.

2: What's your favourite view?
Sitting on the harbour with my back to Te Papa on a sunny, cloudless morning looking out across the harbour to snow topped Rimutakas.
OR, the one I used to have from Khandallah looking down on the harbour - very restfull.

3: The thing that annoys you the most about Wellington?
The present council and the way they're allowing developers to break the rules and put up tall buildings. AND, that friggin' "by-pass".

4: How do you handle the wind?
Leaning into it and going with the (strong) flow.

5: Most famous Wellingtonian you know?

6: The thing that people say about Wellington that really gets you angry?
"It doesn't have the infrastrucutre to support the corporates AND we may as well move to Auckland because that's where our client base is". Welcome to the wired world - PJ can make a film all over NZ but be in Miramar whilst some people can't handle not being physically there for a Monday meeting!

7: Where does Wellington end for you?
Turn up towards Nauranga Gorge. Also the sport I always know, "I'm home" when you come sweeping down the gorge and there's Wellington before you.

8: If Wellington were a famous person, who would it be?
Crickey, set myself a tough one here. Young, quirky, can-do, fuddy-suddy public perception (politicians), sports and music. Who's that - um, Jools Holland.

9: What do you feel/think when you return to Wellington?
"I'm home" - easy question to make up for the previous one.

10: Best quote about Wellington?
"It's true you can't live here by chance, you have to do and be, not simply watch or even describe. This is the city of action, the world headquarters of the verb." (Lauris Edmond) - from the Writers Walk around the harbour.

And now, the innevitable, who will you pass this on to?
I s'pose it should be everyone on my Wellington blogsphere.
In particular though:

Ooh, I feel so naughty having started a meme ...


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