Ones that don't need a human to push them along the damned ground. Ones that, anywhere else in the civilised world (ie, have some sort of electricity supply and/or petrol pumps with cheap ... oh, ok, just the electricity then). But anywhere else these things would be in a museum waiting for little Johnny to go, "Eeeewww, Daaaad, did you ever use one of those things before you got old?!?!" But here, in the Garden City ... the GARDEN City for lordy-lawks sake. The city that prides itself on being up with latest in garden activities, down with the latest planting info and hip to all things horticultural. The push-lawn mower .. I mean, come on, really ... And not a new fandangled modern type of push (or "reel" as I think they're technically called) lawn-mower. Oooh, no - the old fashioned, the "last time I saw such an item it was in black and white and everyone walked a bit too fast" type affair. The actual push lawn-mower you fondly remember your Nann...