Week 32 (8 weeks to go), the countdown starts

I'm gonna countdown the weeks from now on ... it's getting that serious.

Of course the week's countdown isn't like an accurate thing, ooh no, it's not like an election poll or a pop top 10, no, nothing so accurate as that.

We've a date of 13th November for the arrival of Meg which is a .. hang on, let me just check ... it's a Sunday. This date is calculated waaaay back at the first scan ... in fact, it's done even earlier using the date of Liz's last period. So it's all made up and terribly indicative.

It does give us something to aim for, something for us to hang our hat on, something for me to countdown to.

I've pre-warned the new workplace (probably can't call them "new" for much longer - anyone know the etiquette here?) that I'll be taking 2 weeks off whenever Meg pops out. This could possibly be from any time now up to, and including, 23rd November.

How can I be so certain of the last date? As Jack came 'out via the sunroof' (c-section, sorry can't spell ceasarian/cesarian/caesarian/ceasarean) then they won't let Liz go for more than 10 days after the (mythical) due date - it'll put too much strain on the womb and she may pop like William I "The Conqueror" (don't click if you don't want to know!)

We've also had a bit more of the practical info for the birth.

We'll be having wee Meg at the new (6 months old) Christchurch Womens' Hospital. Due to their popularity though, we'll not actually be staying there. In fact, we only get 12 hours maximum before we may (probably) be asked to move on. If we have Meg at 2pm then at 2am they'll be asking us to shift.

Not terribly nice but I get the practicalities of it - they're just so busy and have a finite number of beds.

If everything is all fine and dandy and no c-section then we'll come home.
If anything's a bit "dodgy" (whatever that may mean on the day/night) then we'll shift to another hospital. In preparation we've chosen Burwood Hospital (about 5 mins from home) as the place to go to.

That means that I'm gonna have to have someone with me that can drive AND knows their way around. Can you imagine me stopping at 3am asking for instructions to the hospital with Liz in pain and cradling a brand new baby. It has a 1970's British sitcom feel about it ... in fact, Some Mother's Do 'Ave 'Em! immediately springs to mind.

Number photo from Flickr: Photos tagged with numbers
Read the previous Meg postings >>


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