2025, The Theme Is "Backfill"

It's quite the moment when you're pondering, cogitating, think think thinking about something and then, *pop*, the answer comes into your mind.

2024 was a "Foundational" year for me. One of working out what I want to do with the final third of my time on this planet. And that has worked out well, I have moved on from tech and finding my feet in sustainable "community work".

I want 2025 to be less, dramatic. I've been reflecting for the past few days what it should feel like and it slooooowly dawned upon me, I want this year to be a bedding in year.

A quick Google of the stages one goes through when moving a tree from one spot to another and the word "backfill" is used a lot. Once you've uprooted the tree, put it into its new hole home then you need to backfill with soil and compost, pat it down, give it water, and settle it into its new place.

That's me. Over 2023/4 I have uprooted the tree of my life and I'm now safely / happily in the new place and I need to backfill and settle it all down. There's going to be new roots to grow, making sure the leaves get enough sunshine, keeping an eye on the base, and propping it up when required. A lot of work to allow this oak to grow and flourish.

Loving my theme for 2025.
What's yours?

Why a theme and not a "New Years Resolution", this is why:

Previous years:


  1. I really leaned into this (video) idea, and shared that with my team of community workers, and encouraged them to share it too.

    My 2025 theme is: flourish harmlessly


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