Who hasn't got a Gmail account

Image hosted by Photobucket.comGmail, what the bloody hell is Gmail - Google Mail.

If you're using any other Web mail 'system' then you're missing out big time. Gmail beats any current mail system hands down - including Outlook, Notes, Eudora, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail and any other you'd care to mention.

So, if you're not on Gmail you're missing out.

Which would all be a complete pain in the arse to read if I agreed with me but couldn't do anything about it. But you can. Drop me a line (christchurch.capers@gmail.com) and I'll send you an invite.

Why now? They're obviously getting a lot closer to going live (yes, it's still by invite only) as available invites has jumped up to 100.

There's no way I have a 100 friends gagging to get another Gmail account so one is yours if you want.

Send me an email (christchurch.capers@gmail.com) and you're in.


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