Go Jerrrrrrrry!!!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comJust seen the man, JC, himself wandering through the Square looking, well, to be fair looking a little like an extra in a Japanese Samurai film :-)

Of course here at work they're getting used to my friendly banter but I think it's the first time someone else has stood up and barracked (Aussie phrase) for another side ... but that's OK, there's 3 of us here that I know of: Donna (who's coming with us tonight) and the boss Roy :-)

And at the game, of course, there will be Cantabrian tears. And I've worked out why (following on from my other rugby fan theory's).

Without the rugby team winning (and flowing down to generally supporting the team) there's not a lot else to do. There's not the buzz of Wellington where you can actually live a wild and crazy life and not even know there's a game on.

Here it's a much bigger percentage of the "what's on".

Which will make it all the much better when they loose tonight and the Ranfurly Shield is taken up to Wellington!

Oh, and for you Cantabrians - don't forget:
  • Wellington have won all 8 NPC games since 1999 except two
  • One we was robbed by the ref
  • The other you pipped us at the last Shield game
  • Total of 16 wins for Wellington, 13 to Canterbury and 2 drawn.


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