
Showing posts from March, 2007

Aquarium + deep fat fryer ... I just don't know what to say, watch for yourself

This is a wee bit unbelievable really but .. read and watch for yourselves, whaddya think? Below is the complete Japanese Deep Fryer Has Aquarium Within article from OhGizmo! , there was just no way of summarising!?!? By David Ponce Oh, Japan, how you delight us with your wacky shenanigans. The latest? How about a fully functional aquarium that exists… right inside a deep fryer. No, no… let me explain this right. See, you have this aquarium with real live fish, and then, sitting right on top, is piping hot oil (163 Celsius) that is actually used to cook food. Since the water and the oil don’t mix, all the fish have to do to stay alive is not venture into the hot oil on top. What’s more, fallen crumbs from the frying process fall into this aquarium, serving as fish food. The fish are then able to live from 5 to 10 years, as long as they don’t get curious about what’s above the water line. It’s great stuff, but… we have a few questions about all this: how is the heat from the oil not tr...

Guy skis down Tube escalator: video

It's a naughty naughty thing to do ... ;-) [23-Nov-2024: Video no longer available]

Remove the defence of 'reasonable force' and move on

Big(ish) deal here is a bill going through Parliament (3 readings, a vote and it becomes law ... something like that) that will remove the 'reasonable force' defense for hitting kids . Of course most people have simply swallowed the media simplification of, "Ban smacking". My view - stop hitting kids! If it takes the law to stop you hitting kids then the law should do that. Definition corner: Smacking = hitting. There was a 'march' to Parliament by the "I reserve the right to thrash my own children" brigade and I've just wandered through Parliament grounds wondering what the protest was all about (finger on the pulse etc etc) and maybe it was about student loans as there seemed oodles (vast majority) of kiddlie winkles (generally less than 20 years old) ... but no, it was the high pitched screaming of, "I want the right of my parents to beat me!", punctuated with, "Do we want 'them' to tell us how to deal to our kids? ......

Famous blogger/commentator cancels engagements because of death threats

Wow, Kathy Sierra 's blog posting about why she's canceled all her future speaking engagements is serious stuff ... makes the blood boil that someone that is trying her best to make the world a better place gets all this crap from those that (seemingly) know better. From a selfish point of view I trust she comes back as each posting has, until now, been an eye opener (in fact, including now) and I have gained so much. But of course, it's not worth it if some unhinged individual tries to harm her.

More on the amazing

After my original posting and Apple's version there's another vid about the amazing 'multi-touch screen'. This is how computers should be, without manuals, interfaces and keyboards/mice - in fact, it's a perfect analogy on the I(C)T industry as a (w)hole - this is brand sparkling new and it's the first time an interface exists just to 'do' - there's no external chatter, there's forcing the users to behave in a certain way and there's definitely no money being spent on consultants to try and force one (users) into the other (computer system). It just works. (there's no talking on the vid so no need to turn up the speakers to hear the v average sales musac)

Oh crap - 40 and questioning everything

It's almost like living inside an episode of The Good Life - which, by the way (or BTW if you're into that sort of acronym crap), is the reason for Tom Goode (hence the TV title) dropped out of the commercial/business living, his fortieth. And so, questions for others that have been through 40 and come out the other end: Did you question the reason 'why'? What foolish things did you do and why? How long did your existential questioning last? Is there a point?

Do you live in an 'orgasm-based community'?

If not, yet you feel you'd like to explore such a lifestyle, then you'll be enriched by A Taste of Sex: A Reality Audio Show on Life in an Orgasm-Based Community audio feed. Whilst I started off by having a school boy giggle about it I have moved through, "Hmm, why not" and onto, "This is just Californian poop taking life too seriously' - whatever you want! Key to listen out for: cosmic, resistance fears, pussy, inner labia, crying, mysterious, approving eye, powerful, genitals, upper left-hand quadrant, drained, dedicate my life to that moment, disconnected from my genitals ... Here's the blurb before you start listening to the calming West-Coast voices over the bongos and slightly Star Trek-y keyboard action: Peek behind the scenes into the private lives of a community of the world's leading experts in orgasmic innovation. The OneTaste Urban Retreat, based in San Francisco, California, is a group of practitioners who live together and use sensuali...

Egyptian exhibition free at Te Papa free!

The Egypt: Beyond the Tomb exhibition is free, to Wellingtonians (proof required) on Thursday 29th March, 10am-9pm All the details at The Wellingtonista: Te Papa free! (no really)

Top 15 Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Panels

[Update] Seems from the comments at the posting that these might have originally been posted at a site called (no naughtiness despite fnar fnar type name) Ha ha ha ha - I won't repeat all 15 panels but here's my top 3, in reverse order:  [19-Oct-2024: Bum, I wanted to see these images, but they exist no more] PS: love the blog name, YesButNoButYes ;-)

Kenneth Williams Diaries, Sunday 24th March 1969

I had the bowel motion and went to tip my fag ash down the loo and burned my cock. There's always something. :-)

TVNZ ondemand - available to all

I have to say the new TVNZ ondemand website/service is pretty awesome and available to us quite some time before I thought it was. Only just given it a whirl and discovered that it's got an All Black v Lions game from 1966 , a weekly recap (of NZ news/factual type progs) and quite some old ("classics") NZ-made TV . Whilst it'll not be showing (for the foreseeable) the latest from the USA or UK (this is tv NZ ondemand ) there is an area for "internet only" shows - currently Karaoke High (whatever that might be) and somewhere to get the latest in the NZ based soaps, game shows and reality TV garbage And it's pretty darned easy to use as well with both downloads and streaming available (not both for all). So sit back and let Dom Bowden take you on a tour through your new TVNZ channel

A world of Mikes

Ooh, and I'm one of them

Ha ha ha - this exactly what my week offline taught me

Blogger worried he is just talking to himself

New Zealand rugby official rss feeds

Just discovered this wee lot of RSS feeds over at the All Blacks website: All Blacks News Player Diaries Rebel Sport Super 14 News View from the Middle Air New Zealand Cup News Previews/Reviews AA Rewards Heartland Championship News Previews/Reviews

Wales 27 England 18 but France pip Ireland for the Six Nations

A shocker of a Six Nations for the lads but at least the old enemy was defeated - sterling effort by James Hook (as seen via the BBC match highlights ). Seems that Ireland lost out on the championship to a late French try against Scotland, gotta love that when it happens eh. As for the World Cup I suspect the Kiwis and the South Africans aren't worried at all ... the Aussies will probably be a wee bit worried with the Super 14 progress (especially the already high injury toll) and I can see the Irish and French rolling them with ease. But, really, it's the All Blacks cup for the taking . Anywho, the Welsh match in glorious detail : BBC match report and here BBC Photos | slideshow BBC video highlights Google News results

Who needs a laugh ... but is it one like this fella?!

You will need sound! Stick with it, wait for the mic to come out and then tell me you didn't laugh out loud Hat-tip to Elusa for the link

Google Reader - what you can learn about what you read

Before I used Google Reader as my RSS/Atom reader I had an idea of what I thought were my most popular items. I thought that I generally read Wellington-based blogs, a few bits of sport and some funny stuff from the UK. However, Google Reader's trends page has changed that idea somewhat. The following shows what I read the most : ... BUT ... it's not really reflectively of what I read as I scan a great deal. I whizz my way down the list looking for hooks within headlines. Of course Google Reader doesn't know that and dutifully marks each post as 'read'. More instructive is the 'shared' items that I actively read and think is good enough for me to share (using the widget to the far right of the blog items - click here to see it if you're reading this in an RSS reader). These ' shared' items are a true reflection of what I read+value : I've also put up the expanded list for Top 20 So what do I read ("share") - the news, particularly ...

Further to the awesome touchscreen demo, Apple are gonna make them for you

It looks like Apple has either bought or has invented its own ... which is awesome as now it'll happen and in 5 years time we'll all have them! Here's the 'demo' video again next to an Apple picture

In NZ this opportunity has passed but there is always next year

Google search for ...

Shurely this conference should be held on a virtual island in something like Second Life!?!

Virtual Worlds 2007 – Setting the Stage for 3D Collaboration : Virtual Worlds 2007 is taking place March 28-29, 2007 in New York City . The conference is the first of its kind and brings together business leaders from fortune 500 businesses and technology companies to help understand and maximize the use of virtual worlds to enhance a company’s marketing and business strategy

Hustle for Russell - pay $75 for a benefit bash in aid of a top New Zealander

Never met the man. Don't know his son. Didn't have an inkling about the reason until I read about it . On the other hand, I wouldn't miss what he writes, love that he's constantly educating normal (non-geek) everyday Kiwi's about this whole "online malarkey" and, to be honesty, it just feels right to support. Short details: Russell's son has Asperger's (and in NZ here , here and Russel Brown on TVNZ (video) ) and requires home schooling They have found perfect home teacher Teacher costs many thousands/year His mates and various companies reckon we could help And the how: We have sorted some great bands (a private The Clean gig, crossed with some SJD and mixed with some Chris Knox - where you gonna find that anywhere else?), some great drinks (like a special 42 below cocktail), and some great auction items (like accommodation at The Quadrant, an array of gaming fun, morning tea with Prime Minister Helen Clark, dinner at Blowfish, advertising pa...

Ug ... what a 1977 party!

Beaker, a Smurfette, Freddie Mercury, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia (separately and by sheer coincidence) a gaggle (?) of hippies and a quite few very fetching 70's housewives were present. Twister was played, sparklers were lit, dancing occurred, BEER and WINE was drunk and 70's theme music was guessed at. The Good Life was inspiration for many. This 10-year-old school kid is ill and has a note from his mum ... Pictures l8r ... much l8r ...

Old postings in the feed - sorry, Blogger's fault

[Updated 9th, Mar, 2007] Finished! We are one. [Updated 12th, Feb, 2007] Just done February 2005 ... January to go (25 posts) and no more RSS feed time traveling ! [Updated 4th, Feb, 2007] Just done March 2005 ... 2 more months to go and that's it! Just as an explanation as to why old postings are appearing in the MiramarMike feed. Moving from MiramarMike to ChCh-Changes I made the silly mistake of actually creating 2 blogs instead of merely renaming the original. I have been rectifying that mistake by moving all the old postings back into the live blog (this one, MiramarMike). Before the upgrade to Blogger this happened silently in the night and no-one knew but with the upgrade the feed out is by "update date" and not "published on date" - you are now told about every edit. Sorry, only 115 69 25 NONE to go ...

Microsoft blooper from 31st Jan ... still going

It's a small matter but somehow it matters

The new blog experience *ahem* - good for you?

[Update 9th March] Unfortunately the "AllOfMike" feed doesn't work via Feedburner as it's probably too large . So, the feed is now: I've reverted the old MiramarMike to just being the blog for the time being. After the week offline (and here ) I've decided that I probably don't want to spend oodles of time blogging random thoughts that pop into my head because, well, I suspect you don't care. And so, the blog has changed - if you're reading this in an RSS reader click and have a look around. There's now 3 sections, each with it's own RSS feed if you're only interested in one thing. There is, however, a super-duper feed with all 3 sections for those that want the lot ... to this feed I will add more as I find them (books I've read, music I like, whatever).  RSS feed for all: Note: the old MiramarMike feed now includes the ...

Red shoes - get some and make your day a happy one

Like Martha * I totally uphold the idea that everyone (not just those of a female slant) should own a pair of gorgeous and fantabulous red shoes. They'll make you smile inside and out, give you a special bounce in your walk and lift the world around you. This was an idea that popped into my head whilst walking to work and seeing a woman (lady, female, girl, chick?) with awesome red ballet-type shoes. * I think it's Martha ... blogged about it many moons ago ... if it's not you then I just think it should be. BTW: Isn't Martha doing well - connections galore , references from millionaires , articles in magazines! I'd be jealous (and I've tried to be) but really it's just brilliant how she's also living the dream and using this interweb thing to the max with her babylicious business- and her personality seems to shine through in all her online malarkey. On ya Martha!!!

How frickin' cool is that

I've shared this blog from Dilbert (Scott Adams) but reading the comments it just gets better and better. Basic premis =- technology is cool, example is then given by Scott that, when you really really think about it (he helps you to), it is frickin' cool. Comments that have left that I also think show technology as frickin' cool are: (spot the mention of Flight of the Conchords , awesome!) I just got a GPS dongle for my mobile phone. It tells me exactly where I am. Using satellites. In space. It talks to satellites in space. I mean... how frikkin' cool is that?! ... Wo-hooo, that one's easy. My favorite too-frickin-cool technology is Skype. I love that you can purchase a phone number from basically anywhere in the world and it rings in your computer. I live in New York and my family lives in Rio de Janeiro, so that's already pretty convenient. ... I love Shazaam - the other day I was in a bookstore on my way home from work, and loved the music they were pl...

Beatbox Fame Game - video ha ha

From a trendy hip young thing I work with - still, funny as: [3-Dec-2024: Sorry, this content is no longer available] Beatbox Fame Game Uploaded by loranger

TVNZ and their demo of Internet TV on demand

Ha ha ha ha - I quote from the email I've just received (via an online Web 2.0 group I lurk around): We're always having a little chuckle to ourselves at some of the silly mistakes large companies make when it comes to the web. Last night we had one of the 14 year old members on our TV site,, post a full on, in depth review of TVNZ's soon to be released ondemand service - complete with screen caps of how it works and what to do etc. We were kind of surprised to think that TVNZ had included a 14 year old in their beta test but as it turns out, they hadn't. The young sleuth had discovered the location of the ondemand website by checking the source code on a couple of pages that had images of the ondemand service and started guessing. Eventually, he found the right one and was amazed to find it unprotected. He immediately signed up and started to test out the service, writing up his review as he went. A number of bloggers have picked up on it and word has...

Happy St David's Day

Nearly missed it because it (1st March) is also Liz's birthday which consumed the day and was awesome. BUT, it's still the 1st somewhere in the world so I claim it's valid: And so, last year's picture is still valid :-) HAPPY ST DAVID'S DAY! If we were in Wales ( "Never Forget Your Welsh" ) we'd be wearing a daffodil and/or leek , quoting Max Boyce , singing at the top of our lungs AND having a go at every Englishman you could find . Hat-tip David S for the reminder

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