Top brand listing
Yep, back at work and really into it (already sent through 3 application requirements :-). And so, in a ten second break I read the frontpage of My Yahoo! and this caught my eye - Yahoo! News - Apple Edges Google as Top Brand . And so, the work year of 2005 starts in earnest ... bum, it's just so nice out there with the sun shinning and the wind not blowing . Of course I had a cracking lead up to it and spent Friday-Sunday in Riversdale having, what could (should) become an annual event, a "Lads Weekend". Lots of beer / wine was drunk, loads of BBQ food was eaten and not one person got to see the sun come up ... no, I lie, Rob was woken up because, for the first night, he slept outside! No doubt there will be pictures put up once Adam gets the piccies off his camera and send them all around. Back yesterday afternoon and it was cracking to hug the wee fella and kiss the wee gal ... did miss them a little on Saturday morning :-( And so .... work ... ah well, it's al...