It's been busy and I've been knackered. We've managed to move a whole stack of stuff around, found all the bags, put all the knick knacks away, bagged up and stored the clothes we're not taking, piled up the documents and passports and sorted out the camera/DVD burning (yaaaay!). We've also been shopping, to the cinema ( Over the Hedge , thoroughly recommend it), to a Peter Rabbit puppet show and one last Willowbank visit. I managed a last visit to The Twisted Hop to discover I'm well on my way to the 100 Club and have $30 credit behind the bar - who wants it ? There's been croup, nightmares and a touch of the flu with a visit to the doctors. We've watched soccer semi-finals, most of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Kate in a local school quiz competition (her team one, finals Sat). Of course, we've played loads and loads with Meg and Jack as have Carol , Zoe and Jacqui . Last night I was in bed by 10pm, the earliest by a couple of ho...