Where are they from answers

Answers to the What is it that differentiates you from them? quiz

Question: what country does the main character in each of these pictures come from and why do you think so?
Choices were: New Zealand, England, Wales, Canada, USA, France, South Africa, India, Thailand, China or Germany

a) : NEW ZEALAND - http://masseynews.massey.ac.nz/2004/Massey_News/mar/mar08/stories/03-03-04.html

b) : NEW ZEALAND - http://www.whitehaven.co.nz/

c) : NEW ZEALAND - http://www.helenhenderson.net/oscar2004-3.html

d) : GERMANY (?) - http://www.franky-goes-to-kiwiland.de/17_14052005_Chiefs/slides/PICT1802_NoOneFan.html

e) : NEW ZEALAND - http://dogsonprozac.orcon.net.nz/fotos.htm

f) : NEW ZEALAND - http://www.wingmusic.co.nz/

g) : NEW ZEALAND - http://www.papergraphica.co.nz/artist_detail.asp?id=23

h) : NEW ZEALAND - http://grumzysgallery.com/about.htm

i) : NEW ZEALAND - http://www.milkgallery.co.nz/figurative-art/figurative-artist-new-zealand.htm

j) : NEW ZEALAND - http://www.arikiart.com/ku-bailey/index.htm


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