9 More Things I've Done

I've done a lot of things but I've done 9 things off my "It's later than you think" / "I've Never See Star Wars" list

I've talked about the Poptart, Mills & Boon, and Footloose already, so here's the other 6.

Walk The Southern Walkway (Wellington) - 7/10

The Southern Walkway is an 11km walk along the Town Belt between Oriental Bay and Island Bay. The total walk can be completed in 4–5 hours depending on fitness and interest.

I can't remember when I did it, but I do recall it being a lot easier than I thought it would be. It's a perfect walk for a nice summer's day tbh, get amongst it!

Watch a Bruce Lee movie - 4/10

It was Enter The Dragon ... hmmm, not sure I really enjoyed it tbh. A lot of slapstick noises with the fighting, the story was ok, and definitely felt of it's time. I can imagine it was very different back then, and Bruce Lee is, OK, but yeah, not my cup of tea.

Patuna Farm Adventure - 8.5/10

This came via a friend who raved about it, shared some photos and I was hooked. Back in 2021 I went a visiting and it is quite beautiful waking the chasm. It was actually a lot harder walking to the start of the chasm than I had reckoned with, but worth it - majestical :)

Dye hair - 9/10

I've always wanted green hair and so, one evening in 2022 and over a few beers Jo set about making it happen ... I am glad I did this, it's off the list and definitely scratched the itch.

Go fishing with Jack - 6/10

This was a very old one, done a few times, although Rav wasn't too chuffed with the last attempt as the line got all tangled and they stomped off home. I'd like to do this one again, but way in the future, maybe near their 30th birthday.

Visit St Paul's Cathedral - 7/10

I didn't go inside but that was OK as all I really wanted to do was see it from the outside. The trip last year totally ticked this off, and I am still a little blown away by just how big it is.


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