I Own Your Phone And You Don't Know

Phone and mobile network graphic

Now, the thing is, maybe I don't own your phone, but I might, and I absolutely could, and you wouldn't know.

Nope, I don't need to have physically touched your phone.

I don't need to have convinced you or to stealthy have placed anything onto your phone.

I could still be owning your phone. Your phone calls would come to me, you SMS/text one off codes to log into your Gmail, or Facebook, or whatever else you get your text codes for.

Once I'm in then ... well, watch the video and be amazed.

So, you've watched the video the question I had, and still have is, um, oh, now what?
  1. Use an authenticator app,
  2. Turn your phone off / on at least once a month.
That seems about it, let's hope I'm not owning your phone right now, but how would you know!?!?


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