British Independent Minds In 1969

There are many that say, "Science is wrong", "Just because they say it's true doesn't mean it is", and "I am an independent thinker". I am all for curiosity however not so keen on just making shit up.

Frame from "Can You Speak Venusian (1969)" video

Curiosity is what the science method is built up on and from where all our theories* of the universe emerge. It also takes a LOT to prove a theory, mostly observation of predictions made by the theory. If gravity is what Newton says and put into mathematical terms then his maths should be able to be used to make predictions. 

They were, and they (mostly) do in all circumstances.
"Mostly", bloody Mercury just wouldn't conform to Newtonian maths, FFS.

In 1915 Einstein, an "independent thinker" BUT standing on the shoulders of giants, published a theory that gave gravity a new meaning and Mercury was no longer an outlier. In 1919, Arthur Edington proved it.

That's science, look at the universe, make a theory about some part of it, describe terms that can be used to predict, make a prediction, look at the universe to check the prediction. If it matches, repeat the predictions until everyone is bored and accepts it. If it doesn't match, change the prediction.

It's not rocket science 😉

Before you watch this video to have a giggle (you will, I did) take note of Patrick Moore's most excellent attitude, empathy, and approach - he applauds the independence of thinking, the role it plays in expanding their views. He, of course, knows the theories themselves are a load of rubbish. 

Critique the theory, NOT the person.

In modern science, the term "theory" refers to scientific theories, a well-confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with the scientific method, and fulfilling the criteria required by modern science.  [source: Wikipedia]


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